The beginning

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Ana Pov:

"Finally it's Friday" I whisper to myself as I open my locker. Putting my book in my locker I grab my backpack and keys. "So what are you doing this weekend?" Kate my best friend ask. "Nothing much. Just spend time with Christian and studying for Mrs. Bradley trigonometry test." I answer closing my locker. "Sex isn't spending time Ana." she said. "It is when your doing it with the right person." I said biting my lip. "And what makes you think Christian the right one. He's a jock. Girls like us don't get that. Are you sure it real?" I've been asking myself the question since six grade. "What we have is real." I give her a reassuring smile. "Are you sure?" she ask looking away from me. What is she look at? I follow her eye to see Elena and Christian at his locker. He is putting his books in while she  talks. When he close the locker she close in the gap in between them. I get closer so I can hear them. "You need to dump the Duff and get with a real women." she put her hand on his bicep. "Don't talk about her like that." He said stepping back. "WHAT DO YOU SEE IN THAT BITCH THAT YOU DON'T SEE IN ME." she yelled looking at me. Tears roll down my face. This is how my life has always been dating him. "She my girl and I ...." I didn't hear what he said. All I wanted was to get away from this school.

I run outside to my car. Unlocking it I throw my bag to the passenger seat. When I was about to get into the car I felt a hand touch mine. I look to see Christian in front of me. "What do you want Christian?" I ask look everywhere back at him. He place his hand under my chin. He turns me to face him. He wrap my tears away. "Baby it's you. It always has been. It always will be." closing in the gap between us he push my SUV door close. He wraps his arms around me. "You are mine." he said leaning in. "Always." I said before kissing him. We were in a heated kiss when a way of nausea hit me. Breaking away from the kiss I put my hand over my mouth. I walking behind my car I vomit up my breakfast and lunch. Christian comes behind me and holds my hair. "Ana are you okay?" He ask when I am done. "Yeah I'm fine." I said opening my car door to get a bottle of water. when I finish with my sip Christian arms are back around me. Placing his left hand on my face he kisses me. "Eww Christian I just vomit." I said shaking my head. "So I don't care." he said. "While I do. Do you have a piece of gum?" he nod. Reaching into his book bag he pulled out a pack of gum. Taking one I put it in my mouth.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask. "What I want to do everyday." Smiling he pulled me in to a kiss. He push my back against my SUV. I moan in his mouth. Just as he was about to pin me "Ms. Steele and Mr. Grey you need to stop this." Pulling away I see it our vice principle Dr. Cole. "Sorry." we say. Immediately after he left our lips were back on each other. I moan in his mouth as I feel his dick poke me in my belly. Puling away he ask. "Your place or mines." shrugs my shoulder. "Where every you want. I 'll follow you." I kiss him then get in my black range rover. He walk next to me and gets into his White Dodge Rum. When he pull out he wait for me. Together we leave. My car light up playing Love me like you do. Christian calling. "Yes Mr. Grey?" I anwser. "I love the way you say my name." he said. "Well Mr. Grey is their anything you want?" I ask. "Yeah we're going to you house." he said making a left turn. "Okay. But can we stop for burgers first?" I ask. Hoping he will say yes. "Yeah I'll buy." why does he have to buy all the time. "I can buy my own food." I said mad. "ANA DON'T STARTED I'M BUYING." he yelled. "I'm going home." I end the call. He turn right into Five Guy's while I keep straight. I have eight miss call from him by the time I get home. This is why Christian and I are always together neither of our parent be home. Which is good on somedays and bad on other. Like when Elena and her friends miss with me. On days like that I lock myself up in the house. I grab an apple. As I go for my second bit a wave of nausea hit me. I run upstairs to my room. With second to spare I make it to my bathroom. I vomit until my throat burns. As I continue to vomit I feel cold hand on my back.

When I finish I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth. After I'm done I turn to see Christian setting on my bed with our food and something behind his back. "I got you your favorite." he said passing me the bag. I look inside the bag to see he got me a double cheese burgers with bacon. "Thank you." I said giving him a kiss. "Christian what's behind you back?" I ask placing the food on my desk. "You are going to have to find out yourself." he said smiling. I go to reach for it when he put it up in the air. Jumping on my bed I reach for the bag when he puts it behind his back. Straddling him I reach behind his back as he kiss me on my neck. He puts the bag back into the air. As I reach for it he wrap he arms around me. Just when I was about to get the bag he drops it on the floor then pins me down on the bed. "I knew you could stay mad at me for long." he said kissing me. Never braking the kiss I take off my pant with my panties and his pants with his boxer. In one swift move he takes of both our shirt. His hands goes to my back to  taking off my bra. Taking a condom from my nightstand he rips the paper. Putting it on he looks at me. "You know I love you right?" He ask. "I love you too." I pull his face down to mine. We start back up our kiss. As we kiss he slams into me. "Ahh" I moan in his mouth. I am reaward with him going faster. He breaks the kiss to look into my eyes. Intertwining our finger I look into his eye. "Ahh." I moan. "Your so beautiful and all mine. Give it to me." he whisper in my ear. "Ohh Christian." I call out as I cum.. He silde in and out five more time before coming "Fuck." he said falling on top of me.

Pulling out of me he goes to his side of the bed. He throws the condom on the floor before pulling up the cover. "You breast are bigger." he kiss me. Looking down at the I see he is right. They are huge and sore. "The hurt too." I tell him.  I lay my head on his chest while his thumb draw circle on my arms. "Do you remember our first time?" he ask. "Yeah we were in the in the 9th grade. It was my Christmas present to you." I smiled looking at his eyes. "Best Christmas ever." he chuckles. "Christian do you really love me?" I ask not looking at him. "Of course I do. You and me always." he said holding my chin. "But look at you and look at me we don't belong together." Tear spring from my eye. "Your the hot jock while I am the nerd. the only reason you date me is because I help you with your work and we have sex all the time." the tears come down even faster. "Ana don't think like this. You are mine. you always have been and you will always be. Baby this is for real I love you. I have love you since six grade. Your beautiful please believe me." He said with wrapping away my tears. "I'm sorry I just got emotional." What is wrong with me today my whole body just feels out of it. "It's okay. Do you want to watch you favorite movie?" he ask picking up the remote. I nod. "What was in the bag you had behind you back." A smile played on his face. "Open it." getting out of bed I get the bag. Taking it I open it. Looking inside I see his marble slab card and a box of white chocolate coverd strawberries. "Awww you got me ice cream and my favorite sweet. I love you so much." I said jumping on top of him. I kiss him hard. "Stop it or we will never eat." he said playful. Taking the food bag of my nightstand I give it to him. He takes all the food. "thank you." he kiss my forehead.

Sitting up crisscross I start eating. "What movie did you play?" I said taking a bite out of my burger. "Your favorite. " he said hitting information. Looking at the T.V. I see Fast & furious 5 on. "Thank you." I said into between bites. God I didn't know I was so hungry. The food is mouth watering. Done with my food I started on my milkshake. when I am finish I lay my head back on his chest. He tightens his arms around me as I doze off. I wake with a craving of ice cream. Jumping out of bed I put on Christian shirt. Not wanting to wake Christian I tip toe downstairs. In the kitchen I run to the freezer. Getting my ice cream I take a spoon out of the drawer. Fining the remote I turn on the T.V. Going to my list I play A Cinderella Story. Laying down I pull the cover over me. Turning to face the T.V I begin eating my ice cream. YAY he got my favorite ice cream and the toping. Birthday cake ice cream with caramel and pecan are so good together. "Why can't I get a prince?" I said. I love Christian but, he is no prince. He mean so much more to me. He was my prince in middle school. Now he says I am going to be his wife. Like I would believe that. Say we did get married, some pretty girl is just going to take him from. "Shit." I run to the bathroom. Making it with second to spare I throw up again. Why have I been throwing up. This is not normal. When I'm done I get a glass of water. I take the glass of water into my parent's office. Turning on the monitor I sit in front of the computer. Clicking on the internet icon I type what does it mean when throw up all the time. I click on the first link and read. Throwing up all the time is a sign of pregnancy or a serious illness. Omg I have serious illness. Wait when was the last time I got my period. Turning off the light I run upstairs to my bathroom. Closing the quietly I look at my calendar. "Shit." I whisper. I haven't had my period in 5 Months. How could I miss that. I guess between yearbook, graduation and midterms I forgot. How is Christian going to react? Would he want the baby or not. Would he tell me to end? Would he be happy or would he be piss? Claim down you don't even know if it a baby.  Looking in the mirror I lift my shirt. Shit. How did I not notice my stomach was bigger. Opening the door I look around. He's still sleeping. Leaving the bathroom I cut of the light. I tip toe to my parent's bathroom. Looking underneath the sink I fine four first responders I open and take out the pregnancy test. Reading the instructions first I pee on two stick. I sit them on the counter. Setting my watch for two minutes I pace the bathroom. I can't be pregnant I'm only seventeen. Their is still so many thing I haven't done yet. Pulling up my shirt I look at my stomach. Fuck. How did I notice this before. My belly is big. Christian is going leave me for sure now. "Beep beep." my watch goes off. Taking deep breaths I try to claim my nerves. Okay it's now or never. "Shit." I'm four in a half months pregnant. This can't be happen.

"Ana are you okay?" Christian ask nocking on the door. "Yeah I'll be out in a minute. Throwing away the stick and empty boxes I put the other two. Away. Opening the door I turn off the light. "You ready to go back to bed." A sleepily Christian stood infront of me. I nod. Hand in hand we walk back to my room. Getting into bed he pulls me close. "I love you." he whisper wrapping his arms around me. "Nite." I said feeling into a deep sleep

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