Crush On The Goalie

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I got the hang of it. It's only my third practice, and I have all of the basics down. Coach says we can start working on techniques next week. It's only about five or six other girls, and they're really experienced. On my first day, I felt really stupid because I could barely kick a ball, much less score a goal. They made me feel really welcome and I'm glad, because my family said there's no quitting now. My uncle went out and bought all of my gear the day he found out I wanted to play soccer. He's so excited about it. My parents wanted me to play volleyball, but I don't want to. I'm really a cheerleader, but I kinda wanted to try something new. I'm so used to toe-touches and heel-stretches and scorpions. I wanted to get the feel of scoring goals and having advantage of something that's not a human. So I tried soccer. I like it, although I have asthma and I'm seriously not a runner.

"Take a lap and get some water." Coach Aaron says as we all groan. We start jogging around and I soon get tired. I start slowing down in hopes that I can catch my breath without stopping.

"Come on, you can do it!" Estephanie calls from a few yards away.

"Easy for you to say, you've been doing this a lot longer than I have." I breathe, catching up.

"Like I said earlier, you'll get used to it." She comforts me. We reach Coach again and I'm relieved that I can stop. I grab my water bottle out of Symbolic's bag and start drinking. The training coach shows up with someone much younger and smaller than him. I squint my eyes to see who it is, but I can't see without my glasses.

"Come on, Hailey !" Estephanie tugs on my wrist. I jog over to the rest of the girls and there is the training coach, Coach Taco. Again, its only my third practice so I don't know his real name, but he tells us to call him Taco, or coach Taco.

We're just standing there waiting for the younger boy to gather a few soccer balls, and Aliana asks what we'll be doing today.

"We're just working and improving some things." Taco responds, as he catches a ball the boy throws to him. He walks over and stand in front of us. He's tall and Hispanic, with really, really pretty eyes. They're like, hazel but a little bit lighter. I've never seen that eye color before, and I guess that's why they're so pretty. Anyway, he's hot.

"This is Eric, He'll be working with us for conditioning and stuff. He's experienced, so he'll be helping and giving you guys tips and things." Taco explains while Eric smiles. The more experienced girls go back over to Coach Aaron and start kicking the ball around. Meanwhile, its just Thalia, Estephanie, and Laura and me with Coach Taco and Eric. I try not to stare at Eric. Taco sets up cones and gives us each a ball. He tells us what to do and he goes over to speaks to a few parents. Estephanie and I start passing the ball to each other when Eric starts walking over.

"There you go. You're good for a new person. What's your name?" He says, and I feel myself blushing.

"Uh, Nautica ... Brooks ." I stutter, not making eye contact with Eric.

"Well, Nautica, it looks like you've caught on fast. Good job." He compliments me. He walks to the other group, and I'm just standing there, foot on the ball, staring.

"Nautica... ? Nautica !" Estephanie calls . "Pass the ball, what are you doing ? You can't do this in a game, you would have cost us a goal !" She nags me, motioning for Me to kick the ball. I roll my eyes and kick the ball to her, and sprint past her.

"Kay, you guys did great today. You worked really hard. I also wanted to thank and congratulate you girls on ..." Coach pulls out a huge trophy with a soccer player and a ball on top of it. "This. Although we only won second place, I still want to thank you guys for a great season. I'm grateful that you all were able to make it to the championships. You guys rock!" Coach smiles as we all clap. I wasn't here last season, but I still clap and congratulate the rest of the girls.

"Have a good night, and I'll see you guys Wednesday." Coach Aaron says, walking off. I say bye to all the other girls as I grab my water bottle and ball. I see my brother and little sister waiting for me, and I head over there.

"Nautica!" A voice is calling my name from behind me. I turn around, and Eric is jogging towards me. I instantly get butterflies in my stomach, and feel myself breathing harder than I was a second ago.

"Hey, Eric." I say as he reaches me.

"Hey, are you, uhh ... coming to practice on Wednesday?" He asks. I feel a pang of happiness inside of me.

"Uh, yeah . Why ?" I ask trying not to sound rude or annoyed, but more curious.

"Because I um ... I wanna work with you more. Help you improve." He says, looking kind of embarrassed.

"Oh, yeah totally. I'll be there." I respond.

"Kay, well, um... see you Wednesday I guess." He says, giving me a half-smile.

"Yeah, see you." I smile back, and walk off. I'm grinning ear-to-ear and I know I look really stupid, but I don't care.

"Dude, you need to work on scoring ." My brother says, as we load the car . He's a soccer freak, part of the reason why I decided to join.

"I know, I know. I'm just afraid to over-kick or under-kick the ball." I reply.

"You just started, its okay. No one is expecting you to be a professional." He reminds me. He starts going on about his favorite soccer player when I remember Eric. He's just so attractive, I feel like I will never have a chance with him. Especially with all of the other prettier, more mature, physically and mentally, girls on the team.

"Nautica!" Jalen, my brother, says, scaring me.

"What ?! Gosh, what ?" I reply, annoyingly.

"You're not even paying attention. You never do." He reminds me. I turn the radio up and stay quiet the rest of the ride home. I begin pondering Eric's intents for wanting to work with me, individually. The fact that he just might have a tiny crush on me brings a wide grin to my face.

"What are you smiling so hard for?" Jalen asks.

"Uh, I remembered something funny." I lie. Again, I may look like an idiot, but I don't care.


Kay, so I decided to start another story, because 'Confessions' SUCKS. I know this one May suck also, but I'll try a lot harder. Anyway, if you haven't, check out my other story, Confessions. I don't recommend it, but yeah. Um, give me feedback, PUH-LEASE. Feedback, as much as possible. Good, bad, retarded, helpful, I don't care. Please, tell me what you think .. thanks for reading :D

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