Chapter 1

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Being a flight attendant wasn't that bad.

Well, except for the rude, snobby people.

I worked I'm first class. So I got all the celebrities and rich people.

Good thing I have a good temper or I might have gone wild on some people.

Who knew celebrities could be so cruel?

Anyways, back to the perks of my job, you get to travel around the world.
Sure, I have that fear of crashing, but I knew that would never happen. But boy was I wrong.

Day 1- the day of the crash

I did not want to get up this morning. I don't know, I just has this weird feeling that I shouldn't go to work, but I never listen to my gut. I brushed it off as cramps or something else like that.

I had to be at work at 12:30, and since I lived 10 minutes from the air port, I decided to leave around 11:45 to make sure I had plenty of time to get there and to get ready for my job.

It's not like I dreaded my job.
Sure, I get to travel the country and world in one day, but it's very tiring and you have to deal with very rude people.

I mostly work in first class, with the snobby people.

It's not my most favorite part of the job but, what can you do?

I arrive around 12 and go to the back where the employees area is.

I really don't like many of my co workers, but I do like a select few.

There's Delilah who is my best friend, on planes and off.

Then there's Derek, who is really cute but of course I'm not gonna not gonna admit that to anyone except Delilah.

"Arizona, do you know who is on our flight today?" Asked Delilah, with way to much enthusiasm for my liking.

"Who?" I said plainly.

"One Direcion."

"You're kidding right?" I retorted with a grim look on my face.

"No, and we get to personally assist them!"

"Oh great, more snobby pop stars who want everything and make sure they get it."

"Arizona, I'm sure they aren't that bad. You don't even know them for fucks sake."

"Okay Delilah, you don't have to say that word. But what celebrity isn't like that? Sure they're really hot but still, they could be complete dicks. We wouldn't know."

"Fine whatever. Let's just get ready for this flight."

With that, we walked to our station we were supposed to go to to get clocked in and go to our terminal.



School is literally killing me and plus I work a lot and get like zero sleep and so many things going on in my life. ITS SO HECTIC.

But hey I updated! Who's proud?

Anyways, you guys kept me motivated. Even though there's really not a whole lot of y'all, I still appreciate every vote, comment, follow and read I get. So thanks!

So if you guys vote and comment a whole bunch I might get extra motivation to update.

(And I apologize for this awful chapter. It made me cringe. And sorry for it being so short.)


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