>Read Chapter 1

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Eridan woke up yawning, as always, considering he hated waking up as much as everyone in the world did. He got out of bed, put on his scarf, and went into the kitchen where the other trolls were, um, "socializing" like normal adolescents. 

(AN: I'm not using quirks except for Gamzee's and TZ's. Idk why, it's weird :^)

"Terezi, put on some clothes, will you? No one wants to see you like...er...that."


"...oh boy. Terezi, if I'M telling you to have common courtsey--"


Terezi was only wearing an undershirt and pants, which was unusual, considering (in this timeline) she was way too obsessed with being...well..."covered up," as she'd put it often. "Yeah, that's great," Eridan said. "Anyway, where are the dancestors? They said they wanted to arrive sometime now. I'm expecting Cronus to help me with my scarf choices."

"Like he'd help you," Vriska sighed. "Anyway, I dunno why they're not here yet either, Eridan. And now Nepeta is sad, because Meulin said she'd roleplay with her...or...whatever she calls it. Yesterday Nep wanted me to call it, uh, 'fictional society practice'...what the hell, Nep?" 

Nep shrugged with a weird grin, then remembered she was sad, and stopped.

"Well, I'm not waiting anymore," Karkat said. "Kankri's taking so FUCKING long to get here. It's stupid, that's what it is." 

"You're actually excited for Kankri's sermons, Karkat? Surprising," Equius said. "You have always seemed to be...disinterested, to say the least."

"yEaH, bRo," Gamzee said. "WhY yOu So ExCiTeD aLl Of A sUdDeN? nOt To JuDgE, bRo ;o)"

"None of your shit," Karkat said.

"Well, Mituna said he'd bring Latula with him, and that's just delightful," Sollux said. 

"Can't wait for Meenah to come over!" Feferi said excitedly. "She's bringing her pokey-thing. Damnit, I forget what it's called. Anyway, she's showing me some new skills."

"Great," Eridan said. "Just great, Feffles. Now we just have to wait."

"That's also great," Karkat said.

"Peachy." Sollux added.

"lIgHtEn Up, BrOs," Gamzee said. "dOnT dAmPeN tHe MoOd :o)"

"Shut up, Ga--Oh, they're here!" Eridan said. "Fef, get the door, will you?"

"I don't want to open the door."


"I'm opening the door." Feferi opened the door, and in front were all the dancestors. Mituna. Kurloz. Kankri. Latula. All of them. ALL OF THEM.

"What's up, fuckweeds," Meenah said.

"tHe SkY" Gamzee said.

It was gonna be a lllooonnnggg day...

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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