The next day...
Tiny stares as the to kittens jump for joy because twoleg kits picked them instead of him. tiny was saddened. Noticing this Ruby had a devilish idea. "Hey, tiny you know what happens to unwanted kits?"
"What?" Tiny said " THEY GET THROWN TO A RIVER!" Since tiny was unwanted his was startled.But he shook it off...for now.
The next day
I don't want to get thrown into a river..Naw maybe it's fake Ruby scaring me...But was it true what ruby was saying about unwanted kits.I-I don't known and I am not taking my chances!
Tiny ran and ran as fast as he could getting away from his house.
"Goodbye Mama". Tiny was strolling and perked upon to other cats. "Hey what's a kit like you doing up here eh?" "Hehe he's tiny." said one cat.
"He listen, I am not tiny ok?!,but I am going to the forest for your information!" "Why?your just kit you can get eatin' you know"
"So what " said tiny " I will prove that I am not tiny or small!" "Ok then bye.'"
Tiny glared back, but ignored it.
-sniffs- aahh brings back memories :3
So wonder-
"Well,well what do we have here?" said a anonymous cat."Hey, I know .. a kittypet!" said a big grouchy cat. "..." said a blue-gray she-cat.
HorrorA small black kitten named tiny has icy blues eyes, one white paw and is mistreated, but later seeks revenge on all the cats that messed with him for he is Scourge leader of blood clan!