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*Insert cool and goofy septiplier song writing montage here*

Jack's POV

12 published songs. 3 drafted ones. We made more progress by the hour. Other videos included video games or funny challenges. Our channel went up to six million subscribers and when we first released a video saying that I'd came back and was staying for good, our fans went wild.

They were crazy happy for us and were excited about our future videos. "Wow...six million...I'd never thought we'd have this many!" I said happily. "I'm just as surprised as you are! We've grown so much more than I expected we would!"

I laughed and kissed his cheek. "It's cause of you we've gotten this far you know." He said. I smiled. "Naahh, I was in the background. It was all you." I reassured. "But you helped a ton and made it a million times better." I blushed.

He hugged me and kissed the top of my head when we heard Matt come through the front door. He looked a little worried. "Hey. Some guy came up to me and asked about you. And he didn't seem too nice." He said a little breathy.

"Me? Who would-" I stopped myself in realisation. "Matt you didnt...tell the guy you knew me, right?" I asked a little worried. "No way. That guy looked like he meant business." He said.

"Are you sure he didn't like...follow you?" Mark asked. "I'm not sure. But he gave me a real death stare. So I can't-" Then came the familiar pound on the door. As soon as I heard it my heart dropped.

I backed away in fear. ", no, no, no, no, no-please no!" I worried. Why was is that every time things seemed so well, it went down to shit? I trembled in my place. Mark stepped in front of me and placed his hands on my arms.

"Jack...whatever you do just stay in the bedroom, ok? And lock the door." He said. "I'll take care of this." I nodded and went to the room as he instructed.

Mark's POV

I took a deep breath and went to answer the door. Matt stayed behind me. I opened the door to a tall intimidating man that was Jack's father. "Where is he...I know he's here so don't you even fucking try to play dumb with me." He said.

But of course, I did. "I don't know what you're talking about now please leave before I call the cops." I said, threatening him. That pissed him off. He grabbed me by the collar and forced himself into the house.

"Thought I told you not to FUCKING PLAY DUMB WITH ME!!" He yelled. "LET ME GO YOU PRETENTIOUS PRICK!! YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET HIM!!" I yelled back. "Is that so?" Before I could respond, he pulled out a pistol.

"Mark!" Matt called. "Stay back, Matt!!" I warned him. He shot his pistol toward Matt's leg. Luckily, he missed. Matt ran out to where Jack was. I put my focus back on the man. "Let me go..." I said sternly.

"Why should I give what you want? Where. Is. My. Son." He said angrily. Then he looked over my shoulder to where Matt had went. He pushed me aside and I caught myself before I fell.

He stomped over to the bedroom door. "HEY, YOU STAY AWAY FROM THERE!!!" I yelled again. He ignored me. "OPEN THIS GOD DAMN DOOR!!" He banged on it.

Jack's POV

I stayed on the bed with my knees up to my chest, listening to them yell at each other. Then I heard banging on the door. I thought it was him. "Let me in, please!! It's Matt!" He said.

I quickly got up to let him in and locked the door again right after. "W-what happened??" I asked. "That mother fucker tried to shoot me!!" He exclaimed. My eyes widened. "Oh God...what if he shoots Mark?!" I worried again.

"OPEN THIS GOD DAMN DOOR!!" I heard. "Ah!" I yelped, hopping off the bed and way on the other side of the room. Matt followed and sat in the corner next to me. I huddled close to him with tears in my eyes.

He held me tightly. "It's ok, It's ok...Mark's got this...I know he does." He said, trying to calm me down. When I tried calming down, another gunshot sounded. I flinched and tightened my eyes shut.

A second shot fired. Then a thud on the floor. "MARK?!?!" I called in fear. I got up and ran straight for the door. I heard Matt call me trying to stop me, but I ignored him. I ran out to where they were.

"Mark!" He was on the floor against the wall with the gun in his hand while my dad lied on his back on the floor. I ran to Mark's side. There was a wound in his right shoulder. He was shaking and his glasses were broken.

"J-J-Jack..." He said, the word barely able to escape his mouth. Matt ran into the room and stopped when he saw Mark. "Oh my god...Mark..." He said, running upstairs to get his phone and call an ambulance.

"Mark, I'm so, so,so sorry I let this happen to you..." I said, my voice trembling. "D-don't...apologize...I-If...I hadn't got a scratch I the process...I...I'd know I wasn't...t-trying...hard enough..."

He looked right into my eyes while he said so. He gave a forced smile and looked down at his wound, bringing his hand up to it weakly. He examined the blood on his fingers. "W-would you look at that...I-I'm much of it..."

He spoke as he struggled to catch his breath. Tears fell from my eyes at that fact. "B-but it's ok...the ambulance are gonna be here-it's ok..." I squeezed his hand tightly. " can you...b-be so sure...?" He asked with a blank expression.

"Please...don't say that... it's going to be ok-I know it is!" I said, keeping my hopes up that he would make it. A few seconds later, the ambulance arrived. "They're here!" Matt informed us. I looked out the window to see it was true.

I put my attention back on Mark. "'re gonna have to stand for me...can you do that?" I asked him. He gave a weak nod as I put his arm around my shoulder. Matt came over and grabbed his other arm.

He groaned in pain as we stood him up and the paramedics came in to put him on the stretcher. He was barely able to keep his eyes open as they lifted him into the truck.

About to get in as well, I stopped before doing so. I looked back to see two other paramedics in the house with my dad. I studied what was happening as he wasn't moving.

They were trying to revive him using everything they could. When I saw the expression of defeat shown in there eyes as they looked at one another, I  knew why. a third paramedic came to into the house.

That's when they said it. Slight hesitation shown In the voice. "He's dead..." I heard him say. It shouldn't have, but as soon as I heard it, my heart dropped. I didn't know why I'd felt that way. I didn't want to.

After all the struggles he's given me. All the bruises-the pain. I managed to feel pity. Maybe it was the fact that he was still my father. Just a man who had issues letting go of the past and taking his anger out on the one person he knew most. Me.

Out of all the years I've had to live with him, I do remember one good moment we shared together. Maybe it was because he may have been drunk...or just because he meant it. Either way, it's a moment I'll never forget.


"Hey, son?"


"I know I've been kinda...hard on ya for the past few years, but um...I want you to know it ain't because I hate ya or anything like that."

"What are you going on about?"

"I'm just sayin don't think of me as a bad guy like your mom did...but if I do start to seem like that within years to come...promise me you won't make the same mistakes I did..."

"*soft smile* Alright, dad...I promise..."






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