Chapter 9: I'm Done

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I ran up to her and jumped on her, getting her off guard since she was looking down at her phone. "Bitch! I missed you!"

We both fell to the ground, laughing so much. "I missed you to my hoe." She got up from the ground and helped me up. Surprising, I'm usually on the ground while she laughs. "But I got to tell you something."



"So you wanna hear it-" she tongue clicks "-or nah."

I spaced out then started singing. "I'm just a kid who's 4, each day I grow some more, I like exploring, I'm Caillou." Maddie rolled her eyes but then joined me. "So many things to do, each day there's something new, I'll share them with you I'm Caillou. My world turning, changing each day! With mommy and daddy, I'm finding my way! Growing up is not so tough, except when I had enough, but there's lots of fun stuff I'm Caillou, Caillou, Caillou, I'm Caillou. That's me!" We both pointed our thumbs towards us, next to each other, smiling to whatever is in front of us. We are still children, I am not ashamed. My family had already gotten out of the car and were staring at us, but finally clapped. Me and Maddie grabbed each other's hand and bowed.

Maddie turned to me. "So you wanna hear or nah?"

"Nah, last time you told me something, I ended my relationship and was sad. But thank you because I got a new and better boyfriend, I hope."


"You remember about my Jolly Rancher?"

"The kid you met in the park when you were five because you were clumsy and fell on your ass?"

"Yes, him. And thank you for the details. Well, an incident happened the first day I went to my cousin's house-"

"Clumsy you huh?"

I glared at her. "-anyway, I met him, and we found out that we had met each other before. And that brings us up to date."

"Did he give you that necklace on Christmas?" She eyed my necklace.

I grabbed it and tightened my grip on it. "Actually, I gave it to him. Our necklaces make a heart together."

"Aweh that's cute."

"Yup. Well, nope, I don't want to hear it."

"Alright, just don't get mad at me when you find out."

I grabbed a cookie that I had in my purse and started eating it. "Whatever." I was mumbling with crumbs coming out of my mouth. "You wanna go to Shelby's?" My other friend. I was going to ask Sabrina if she wanted to come, but I saw that she looked sleepy and she practically dragged herself into the house.

"Sure." She started walking and then did the Super Mario pose and talked in an Italian accent. "Lets a go!"

"Ma! I'ma go to Shelby's!"

She called out from inside the house. "Alright have fun!"

Me and Maddie were starting to walk when both my cousins got in front of us, with whistles in their mouths blowing loudly and their hand in front of then signaling us to stop. You can practically hear the sirens in the background. Josh took his whistle out and started talking, I just had my arms crossed. "Where do you young ladies think you are going?"

"To my friend Shelby's house? Why?"

Now Daniel spits out his whistle and blinked a few times. "Uh, not alone you're not. We are coming with you and her."

I started to whine and stomped my foot on the ground. "Why? Leave me alone! Ma! Ugh!" I sat on the ground refusing to get up and go with them, I looked like a little kid right now throwing a tantrum. "I'm not going." I was pouting. I saw that Maddie was recording, trying to hide her laughter, but I didn't care, and the boys looked at one another and nodded. Uh-oh, this ain't good.

Before I can get up and run away, Josh grabbed my legs, and Daniel grabbed my arms. I was trying to kick them away, but they were too strong. Josh looked over to Maddie who was still recording. "Where is this Shelby's house?"

She was now pointing the camera at him. "Two house that way." She pointed sown the street and I glared at her. I mouthed an 'I hate you'. She just smiled innocently.

The boys started to carry me over there. This guy, about sixteen or seventeen, came up to us and just straight up asked me, "Are they kidnapping you."

I stopped kicking. "Yes they are, help me." Maddie, who was right behind us, still recording I might add, just laughed quietly to herself.

The guy looked at me, then to the boys, and did what he will regret later. He punched Josh, who was holding my feet, and I fell, but Daniel was still holding me. Then the guy punched Daniel, he also let go of me- I am never trusting people to carry me- and before I fell to the ground, the guy caught me. Once Josh and Daniel had recovered from the punch, they started to walk towards us. I grabbed the guy's hand, then Maddie's, and I made them run. We ran to Shelby's house, who thankfully, had her door open. We ran inside and I quickly shut the door. I had my back against the door and I suddenly bounced off of the door. All we heard was banging, then Shelby came downstairs.

"Who the fuck is knocking?"

"Hi Shelby, I missed you too!" I was trying to distract her. "How about we go upstairs?"

"Wait but who-"

"I'll explain everything up there." I grabbed the other two's hands again and took the lead in going upstairs. "Let's go!" Thankfully, the banging on the door stopped. When we got up to Shelby's room, I let myself fall on the bed. "Thank the lord they left."

Shelby was the last one coming in the room. "Okay, can someone explain what happened and tell me who he is?"

I looked at Maddie who was just staring at the guy, then the guys looked at each one of us. "I'm Jacob. Jacob Ladner."

I stood up and hugged him. In shock, he just stood there a while, but then returned the hug. "Thank you for saving me from those idiots. But they weren't actually kidnapping me, they're my stupid ass cousins. By the way, I'm Kathleen, but everyone calls me Kat-" I pointed over to Maddie "-that's Maddison, but we call her Maddie-" then I pointed to Shelby'"-last, and least, just kidding, that's Shelby, but we all call her Shelby." That received a chuckle from him.

I was still hugging him, I am so sorry, but he's warm and smells good. I felt his chest vibrate when he started talking. "Nice to meet you guys. And I actually thought they were kidnapping you, but, it was worth it."

Maddie, just like Sabrina, had to ruin the moment. "Dude, she's taken." He was still hugging me.

Shelby then pulled me off of him. "Woah, woah, woah. When did this happen?"

I looked over at Maddie. "Tell her. I'm too lazy to tell the story again."

Jacob looked at his phone and then at me. "Sorry, Kat-" he smiled "-but I got to go."

"Alright, bye!"

Maddie then told the story about me and Jace. Sorry, I spaced out during this. Then Shelby turned to me. "Dang girl, you have a week at your cousins' and you already broke off Tyler and got a new guy? Wish I can be you right now. But what sucks is that you are going to live in a different place than him."

I looked at Maddie. "Have you told her?"

She rolled her eyes. "Obviously not stupid."

I ignored Maddie and turned back to Shelby. "Well, Shelby, I am not going to live in a different city than him, my family is going to move in with my cousins."

I am going to skip the whole screaming, cursing, complaining, and tantrums of Shelby, which lasted five minutes, yes, I timed it, and just move along.

"I'm sorry Shelby, I didn't make the decision."

"Whatever. But before you leave, we are going to spend every minute together."

Before I could answer, my phone vibrated. I saw that it came from an unknown number and it was two pictures. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I turned to Maddie. "Was this what you wanted to tell me?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

I threw my phone across the room. "I'm done!"

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