chapter 10: I love you

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Chapter 10: I love you

Gracie pov (4 months later)

Its been four long months but everything is perfect because I'm with Jay I have been happier we been doing triple dates which was really fun and then came the unexpected about 2 days ago me waad, alex, jason, David and Jay all went on a movie date and holy shit I almost died

~☆ Movie dates ☆~

"Alex you better Kiss jason or i'mma beat your ass " Waad threaten her by pointer her finger to her face which scared the crap out of Alex

"OK God damn what if I can't kiss" she panick which made me hit her

"Don't worry about it he loves you" Waad nodded as Alex nervously twirled her hair then the boys popped out of know where

"Boo" They got scared screaming as for me I slap who ever was behind me because for one he could have been a kidnapper and to he might her hurt me but to my surpised it was my boyfriend which made me feel bad as the others laughed

"I'm sorry baby" he laughed massaging his cheek

"Its OK babe you were just protecting your selves which makes you look 10x hotter than you always do" it made me giggle as the others gag out of know where I surpised everyone by saying the three words I never thought I say

"I love you" I realised what I said and knew there's no way I can change that topic at all "I love you to baby girl" I smiled as he kissed my forehead no we haven't kissed yet we just said our first I love you's

"I love you" I realised what I said and knew there's no way I can change that topic at all "I love you to baby girl" I smiled as he kissed my forehead no we haven't kissed yet we just said our first I love you's

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~♡ movie is over ♡ ~

"That movie was hella good and he was hot" David looked at waad and rolled his eyes "um no he wasn't and the movie was alright" I clarified
"Your only sayings he's not hot cause you have a boyfriend but of you didn't you would" I laughed

"I'm being loyal I have a boyfriend i shouldn't think another guy is hot but him" me and my boyfriend plus waad and hers walked away from Alex and Jason leaving them alone

That's when I realized I left he alone she's gonna kill me I told them I had to go to the bathroom and waad said the same thing and they said OK so we walked back

"Shit she's gonna kill us" I nodded

"Well-" "look over there " I looked where waad was pointing and seen jason kissing Alex which almost made me scream but waad covered my mouth and that's when she scream causing them to look at us

Alex look embarrassed and Jason he had this big smile on his face which made me and waad smile "Alex I'm so sorry for leaving you behind" she shook her head "Actually thank you I owe you" I smiled at her response

"If Jay ever breaks my heart promise you will be supported and not kill him " she groaned "and that go for you to waad because I helped you and David get together" she groaned as well "We'll try" I rolled my eyes

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"If Jay ever breaks my heart promise you will be supported and not kill him " she groaned "and that go for you to waad because I helped you and David get together" she groaned as well "We'll try" I rolled my eyes

"Your not trying your doing it" They nodded as I walked off it was the best day

~♡ end of flash back♡ ~

How did I ever get so lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend and loyal friends

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