Chapter 2

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You woke up to a pink haired boy staring down at you. You scrambled back throwing the object closest to you at the boy. Unfortunately, that was a flower, and you missed.

The boy chuckled at you because of this, which despite your pain, you laughed along with him. The pain soon took over you and you looked down, tears in your eyes.

" What happen? " he asked you while sitting down cross legged in front of you.

" I- It was D-Deliora. " you said while leaning against the tree trunk you sat by, while tears slowly dripped down your face.

" Whats your name? " the pink haired boy asked.

" Um...... ( Y/N ) (L/N ). " you replied shyly.

" Well ( Y/N ) I'm Natsu! " he greeted while holding out his hand for you to shake. you accepted and shook his hand. " You got pretty battered up back there huh? " You nodded, not saying a word. " C'mon! I'll take you back to Igneel, he'll be able to help you. " Natsu said while slinging your arm over his shoulder, helping you up.

It felt like a millennia of you just limping with Natsu helping you through the forest. Finally you reached a cave, you were a little weary of entering this cave but were so exhausted that you just went in anyway.

Inside the cave was a dragon. You tried to run away but couldn't because your leg was hurt badly.

" Do not fear me, " the dragon began, " for I will not harm you. "

' Holy crap! ' you thought ' talking dragons! Talking dragons and village attacking monsters! ' This was a lot for you to take in.

" Papa she's hurt! " Natsu said, " Woah, woah, woah, wait....... He's your Papa? " you ask pointing to Igneel. Natsu nodded, " How does that even work? " you ask a little weirded out. " Igneel adopted me when I was smaller and took care of me since then. You nodded. " now let's mend that wound on your leg shall we? " Igneel asked. Confused, you look down at your leg to see a gash and a giant bruise, your leg was bleeding badly. ' Woah! How'd that get there?' You thought, then it all came back to you, running, running through the woods, tripping, passing out. You face palmed, ' gods ( Y/N ) why did you have to be so clumsy? ' you scolded yourself.

Realizing how stupid you must have looked, you look up to see Natsu and Igneel looking at you, confused.
" Whoops sorry, " you apologized, " I was just.... Um... Thinking. "

Igneel coughed, " Natsu, do you mind going to get some palm leaves and dandelions for me? " he asked.

Natsu nodded and ran out of the cave.

" Why did you adopt him? " you ask. " Simple, he needed a home, and he wanted to learn magic. " he replied.

You're eyes lit up, " Can you teach me magic? " you ask. " Once you're well enough. " he reassured you. You nod, understanding.

Natsu came rushing in, " I got it! " he exclaimed before running over and mending your wound. Chewing up the dandelions and spreading the paste on your wound, you winced in pain as he wrapped your leg.

" Now rest," Igneel said, " we will start training in the morning. "

A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Please don't hate me!

529 words

In The Middle: Natsu x reader x GrayWhere stories live. Discover now