Chapter 7

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Phoebe Rivers *POV*
I sat in my bedroom watching a movie with my brother, Ralph. Ralph was 2 years younger than me, I was 16 he was 14. He seemed to act older than he was though so we're very close. I heard a knock at the door so I paused the movie. "Hello?" The door opened and it was my dad. "Have you finished packing yet?" We were moving to a small town called Rosewood as my mum and dad had friends and family there. I was almost finished packing. I had done everything but take apart my bed and put my T.V. in a box but I guess my dad can do that. "Yeah well except from the obvious."
"Oh don't worry about your bed and T.V. I will pack it away in the morning when the moving vans get here." I knew he would pack it for me. "Okay thanks, dad!"
"Caleb! Phoebe! Ralph! Dinner is ready!" My mum called up the stairs. It smelt like lasagna. That is what my mum always cooks on a Thursday night. It's almost like tradition! Me, my dad and Ralph made our way downstairs and sat around our small little table. My mum put out the plates, I was right! It was lasagna. "So, Ralph, are you excited to move to Rosewood?"
"I guess a bit, it'll be nice to live in a small community than this big city." I looked at him with a slight cringe. I loved New York City. It is full of opportunities and adventure, why the hell are we moving to a small town for? "Phoebe? Are you excited?" I couldn't exactly be rude though...
"Yeah! I can't wait to start Rosewood High!" I said that a bit sarcastically. My dad gave me a glare as if he was going to murder me. "Just like your mother." He said. What did he mean by that? I swear that's a good thing! "What do you mean, dad?"
"Sarcastic." I couldn't disagree on that to be honest, I am very sarcastic but I don't like to be. I would say something without meaning it. "Okay, so you're not excited. Why not Pheebs?" My mum looked at me with a puppy look, she wanted the truth so I said it. "I don't want to move to a scrappy town full of scrappy people! I want to stay in the city!"
"Well, you can't always have what you want Phoebe!" My mum said while standing up, she then pointed to the stairs, "Go up to your room and finish packing everything up! We will be leaving here in the morning."

It was the next morning, I guess last night I had time to think about moving to Rosewood. I'm actually quite excited. Maybe I will get to know this town easier than the city as it is much smaller. Also, my mum and dad said that they have some friends in Rosewood who have kids my age as well. What was their names again? Roxy and Sasha? Yeah, that was it. Apparently another one of my mum's friends has just moved to Rosewood too, they have 2 kids, Arabella and Daniel. Now I am definitely excited!
We finally got to Rosewood and we pulled up to this beautifully white house. It looked a lot like grandma Ashley's house if I am honest. I saw 3 girls walking home from school. They looked all around the same age, well one of them maybe couple years younger. Then they all looked at me.

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