Hi I'm Mich Evans. Seventeen years old. I'm currently studying at Saint Matthew University.I'm currently living in a dormitory with my bestfriend and also roommate, Nicole Hunts.
Both of us are taking up Fine Arts and in the 2nd Year of our schooling.I'm writing not for the sake of entertainment or popularity.I'm writing this story to prevent other people from doing the same mistake my friends and I have done...I don't want any other people to be like us...running from death..an entity no one can avoid.I know that my time is near that's why I'm writing this.Please don't do what we've done.Don't play with DEATH..
JOURNAL ENTRY:July 28, 2013
13th Death
HorrorFirst.......Second........Third.........Fifth...........Nineth................Tenth............Huh...huh...ha...Twelfth...........Shit!What's happening?!.......No way!I'm the last one?! No! I refuse to die! I don't wanna die!Help!Somebody help!PLEAS...