Meet Nate!

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Full Name: Nate

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Handsome Nate, Catburgler Nate, Nate-sama, Nate-honey

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species/Breed: Human

Birth date: July 3rd


Personality: Nate is one of the smartest straw-hat crew members, often seen reading a book. He despises all pirates and Nate is also disbelieving in myths and legends as he dismissed devil fruits as myths until he saw Buggsy's in action. Nate is greedy and will do anything for gold or treasure, a trait that seems to stem from his past.  However, in return for his lesser sympathetic personality traits, he is also one of the more compassionate crew members who is fast to show sympathy when hearing sad things about other people, and cares deeply about Lily. 

Likes: Treasure, gold, getting what he wants, Lily(shh! dont tell her!) 

Dislikes: Pirates, Marines, anyone who tries to take his gold or ruin his plans. Those who hurt Lily. A certain water creature. 

Fears: None that he will openly admit. 

Weaknesses: His obsession with money and his emotions for Lily. 

Strengths:He is very intelligent and uses his wits to overcome most of his obstacles. He also enjoys using his looks in order to captivate and steal from anyone. 

Special/Significant Belongings: None


Height: 5'10

Weight: 155

Body Type: Slim

Scars/Distinguishing Marks: A tattoo on his shoulder


Relation to Main Character: Is the main characters navigator and love interest

Relationship Status: Trying

Spouse/Mate: Lily(Somewhat)

Children: None

Children's Statuses: None

Parents: Unknown as of now

Parent's Statuses: Unknown as of now

Sibling(s): Unknown as of now

Sibling Status(es): Unknown as of now

Any Other Important Family: Unknown as of now

Best friend(s): Treasure, and anyone who pays him enough

Friends: Lily

Acquaintances: Zoey

Assistants: None as of now

Guards: None

Allies: None

Enemies: Marines and Pirates, or anyone who gets in his way. 

Main Enemy: A certain pirate from the grand line. 

Most Hated: That certain pirate. 


Stories that this character appears in: One Piece: Tale of the Queen

First Appearance: Chapter 1

Last Appearance: I'M NOT DONE YET!!!

Status: Alive


-- As of now not much is known about Nate's past, but more information is on the horizon!

Place of Birth: Unknown


Rank: Navigator

Skills/Techniques: None

Special Powers: None

Weapon(s) of Choice: None

Strengths:His looks and intelligence. 

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