Chapter 1

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I'm backstage at some concert and some boy with blue eyes and brown hair walks up to me. He apparently knows I'm partially deaf because he signs to me, "Time to sing. I'll see you after the concert and...I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU!!!" Well he yells the last part and it makes me silently laugh. I don't know why, but I really feel like I'm really in love with this guy.

He pecks my lips quickly and I sign back, "I love you too."

Then, after he runs onto the stage a really big guy, like over 6 ft tall dressed in complete black runs up to me and tosses me over his shoulder. He apparently knows I'm mute because he doesn't bother covering up my mouth. I pound on his back but it doesn't do anything to him. The guy carries me to a waiting car and tosses me into the back roughly.

He says loud enough for me to hear, "Well lets see what will happen to Louie with his precious Christina gone. Lets see how far he will go to get her back!" Someone who sounds like a girl, I think laughs evilly. I don't know who this Louie guy is but I figure its the brown haired one who kissed me. I might not know who he is but I'm pretty sure of one thing and that is I truly do love him. The car starts to drive off whenever my alarm clock blares out 22 by Taylor Swift.

I don't know about you but I'm feeling twenty-two!

I bolt straight up in my bed heart pounding. At least it was only a dream! But it seemed so realistic that I can't help but think that the Louie guy was real. My clock reads 6:00 A.M. Damn. I have to fly all the way to Dallas, Texas from Los Angelos, California. Yippee for me. I jump out of bed and into the shower with my IPhone 5 blaring music. When I get out, I change into a simple gray T-shirt and shorts with TOMS and my hair in a messy bun. My hearing aids broke so I have to wait a few works for new ones. Downstairs, my mom has breakfast waiting for me. Chocolate chip pancakes! Yummy! Its just me and my mom because I'm an only child and my dad died when I was a baby but we're happy I geuss. I sign to mom for a little of random conversation stuff, then brush my teeth, put a dab of makeup on. and grab my suitcases. Even though I'm 19 my mom still wants to drive to the airport. I don't mind and wait until she signs to me that she's ready, we get into the car and i blare music from the radio since it's the only way I can hear it. We get to the airport and she gives me a hug signing, "Well see you soon, take care and I love you."

I smile and sign back, "I will and love you too."

She leaves and I get on and off the plane without a problem. When I'm waiting for Aunt Rosie, who I'm staying with, she texts me: Hey, I'm sorry but it'll take me another 30 minutes to get to the airport with all this horrible traffic!!! :P

I sigh outloud. Oh well. Now I can find my bags without waiting for her. But it takes me like 10 minutes to find them. After i do, my phone beeps so I'm not looking where and I'm going and run into someone making all our stuff, including me, fall onto the floor. Greaaaaat. Note the sarcasm.

"OHMYGOSH! I'm so sorry! Are you O.K?!?" I hear a British accent exclaim. I look up and see a boy standing over me worriedly with blue eyes and brown hair, kind of like the guy in my dreams but NO WAY. He offers me a hand and I take it, with him pulling me up in one swift movement. "I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson, if you don't know that already which judging the look on your face you don't. What's your name?"

I think for a minute about how to answer him than pull out my phone and text: My name's Christina, and I'm mute and I have no idea who you are."

"Oh. That sucks. But I'm in a famous boyband called One Direction and-" He's interrupted my Aunt Rosie calling my name.

"There you are! Come one we have to go!" She pulls on my arm. I hand Louis my phone and he thankfully understands. He types in his number under: LOUIS!!!!(: <3. then hands it back. Louis hesitates for a second than quickly kisses my cheek and leaves. I smile and gently touch the spot where he kissed my cheek. Me and Aunt Rosie grab my bags and walk to the car and she drives off talking but I can only think about one thing: that blue-eyed, brown haired boy named Louis Tomlinson from One Direction.


*Author's Note*

Heyyyy(: Sorry if it sucks I wrote this at 4:00 o'clock in the morning than had to rewrite it when it deleted -.- Anyways, comment what you think and vote it up!!!!!!!(:

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