Chapter 6: News and Surprises

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Chapter 6: News and Surprises

"Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am home again

Whenever I'm alone with you

You make me feel like I am whole again."

Ginny's pov:

After the little show back in the Forest clearing Harry and I, along with my brother and Hermione walked back to the castle, they went ahead saying they'd give us time a lone. We stood by the tree near the Black Lake, his eye staring into mine with so much emotion, I stepped closer to him as he wrapped his arms round my waist, his fore head touching mine.

"Thanks for saving me today, my darling Romeo." I whispered caressing his cheek sweetly, "I couldn't live with myself if you had died, my sweet Juliet." He replied leaning into my hand, "Did you mean ever thing you said back there?" I asked remembering his words to Parkinson, "Of course I did Ginny. I really do love you. You are my everything, my world... my life would honestly be nothing without you, for you are the reason I fight and I live. No one can ever take me away from you, my love is a real as it can get and I am not going anywhere." My heart melted at his words, "That's good, 'cause I don' want to loose you." I said leaning my head up so my lips touched his.

His arms tighten their grip on my waist, my hands went around his neck as the kiss became more passionate, we moved from our spot me pushing him to the tree while my fingers played with the tuft of hair behind his neck. One of his hands cupped me cheek tracing his finger on my skin, his lips soon moved to my neck tailing fluttery kisses on it, he nibbled on my weak spot making me moan, his glasses was slipping down his nose. I pulled his head back up as I connected out lips once again, out tongues clashed and the fireworks erupted it was amazing! He switched our position so my back was to the tree, his arms carried me as I wrapped my legs around his waist, undoing his tie;, my fingers soon traced the defined features of his face.

"I. Love. You. Ginny." He said through the kiss I smiled, "I love you too, Harry." I replied slipping my hands into his cloak feeling his muscular torso as he groaned, "How did you get these muscles?" I asked my voice breathless, "Oh you know quidditch and I do exercises every summer." He said smirking, "You are so beautiful." I blushed, his husky voice sounded so hot.

We stopped snogging and looking at each other in the eyes, "Its show time, ready to let the whole school know about us?" He asked and I smiled, "They probably know anyways, Draco might have already yelled it out." I pointed out and he laughed, "Point taken. Shall we?" The last said in a Cheshire accent as he offered my arm to me, "Yes we shall." I said giggling,

We entered the great hall everyone staring at us, then Dumbledore clapped his hands a long with the whole staff table, I swear I saw Snape crack a smile Harry must have noticed too as he nodded to his head of house. We shared a shor kiss and cheers erupted fro most of the hall. Dean glared at Harry as if saying "she should be mine", while Romilda was in denial that I would date a Slytherin, Harry and I soon walked to our tables. Ron and Hermione smiled at me while Neville gave me a thumbs up.

"You know I am happy your dating Harry. And just to say he's really a nice guy." Neville said as we smiled at him, "I am glad Slytherin hasn't changed him, really I was scared he would change once he gat sorted in that house." Said my brother, "I was too, but he has always had the Gryffindor qualities within him, he's more of a lion then a snake to me." Observed Hermione with a smile, "Ah Ginny..." I glared at Dean knowing what he was about to ask me, "Leave her a lone, she has a boyfriend Thomas. And he is like a brother to me, hurt him and I hurt you." Threatened Ron making Dean sink on his seat I smiled at my brother.

Then I heard his voice in my mind, "Hey beautiful." Harry says telepathically, "Harry! This connection is really getting handy." I greet back smiling to myself, "It is really! Would you like to visit Hogsmade tomorrow?" He asked and my smile got bigger, "Of course! Where do we meet?" There was a sudden silence in my mind then he was back, "By the lake." He answered I looked to the Slytherin table I saw Harry ginning into his goblet.

"What are you smiling about?" Asked Hermione raising her brow, "Harry just asked me on a date!" I sighed dreamily, "How you haven't spoken to his since dinner started?!" Said Ron quizzically, "Harry and I have this special connection between each other we can feel where the other is, read the other person's mind and talk telepathically." They gasped, "I've read something about that. So generally when a which and wizard have a special connection it means they are bonded in some way! This really... wow! So you two a truly meant to be." I smiled and nodded there was no denying it!

"Why deny what is already true when it is right in front of you?" And with that thought in mind I ate my meal with the company of my brother and my best friend.

And the sixth chapter is up! Looks like Hinny's special connection is really cutting the chase! Here's where I leave with a saying.

"Love is a trick all within its self, you mustn't see to believe its true, you must feel if from deep within."

Song: Love Song by The Cure

Picture: Hinny Picture


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