Chapter 13: All Of My Doubts Suddenly Go Away Somehow

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¬ Antheia's Pov ¬

I stare out into the distance, taking in the beauty that is Asgard. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and pull my back against a warm, hard surface. "You're not as bad as you think, tough girl." Hades' husky voice whispers in my ear. 

"Speak for yourself." I say and turn so my face is only inches away. I look up into his never ending eyes then press my lips gently against his. Our lips move in sync, our hands memorizing as much of each other as we could. My heart picks up speed and feels like it's going to burst out of my chest. We pull apart for air, our foreheads resting against each other. "Wow." I breathe and he smiles. 

"Tell me about it." He replies and we laugh softly. He looks up and his eyes widen. "Wow." He says, I look to see what he's so amazed by. Beautiful glowing flowers and sparkling branches are surrounding us now...did I do that?...I take my left hand and clench it into a fist, I close my eyes and breathe slowly. I open my eyes and open my hand, a tall red rose grows in my palm. As the last petal forms the rose starts to shine like the stars during a meteor shower. "Beautiful." Hades says, drawing my attention back to him. 

"I've never done that before." I say and smile happily. "But I like it." I admit and he smiles. 

"So do I." He says and presses his lips to my forehead. "I think I should take you back to your room." He says and I nod. 

"Probably." I say and we start to walk to my room. I continue to hold the rose as we walk in comfortable silence. Hades takes my other hand is his as we walk, cute. We turn down the winding hallways until we reach my door. 

"I guess this is goodnight." He says.

"I guess." I say. He presses his lips to mine again and takes my cheek in his hand. He pulls back and smiles. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." He says and walks off, leaving me completely speechless. I smile to myself and grasp the rose tighter. 

"Ouch." I gasp as a thorn pierces my skin. I pull the rose away from my left hand but the thorn remains embedded in my palm. Even the most beautiful things can hurt you. I think to myself. I open my bedroom door and run into my room and throw myself on the bed. I close my eyes and allow sleep to consume me. 

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