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Tension was filling backstage. The four girls could hear the chanting and screams of the audience. Camera's were flashing. Young girls modeling.
They held their microphones tight. As if they didn't want to ever let go of it.


Whipping 'round they saw Psyche. They smiled in delight. They missed her.

"Do you still remember your dances?"

"Kind of" they said looking at each other

"Alright. Let's practice some of your old songs then shall we?"

They spent the next ten minutes revising their dance moves. Surprisingly they knew every step. Then they heard the MC speak. Taking deep breaths the girls knew it was almost their turn.

"Good Luck girls"

Looking at the list of songs they had to perform the girls held each other tight.

"Now! Are you all ready for a time of your life?"


"Well then! Get ready because it's time to Prism Show!!"

That was the signal.

Music started. The stage was dark. The audience clapped.

Mia walked onto the runway. Her head held high and a smile on her face. She clapped along to the beat of the music as she posed.

The music got faster and Karin and Hina jumped onto the stage. The audience were surprised. They had no idea that Prizmmy were going to appear. Even the little girls stood and watched in awe. Leaving the runway Reina ran in. The music was upbeat and Reina danced. As she finished she stopped. The music had gotten quieter until it came to a stand still.

There were now four on the stage. Lights began to spin and the crowd watched. Intense.

The four girls gave each other grins and squeezed each other tightly.

"Are you ready?!"

Reina's voice echoed and the crowd replied back with loud shouts.

A song that everyone was familiar to started. Four girls all in their poses. Jumpin' Dancin'.

The girls danced to the next songs with all their heart until the music stopped. Sweat was running down the girls faces and smiles grew wider.

"I had no idea we would perform together like this again. And it definitely won't be the last time! Right?"

The girls nodded.

The MC came in.

"Are you girls ready to perform some more?!"


Boy Meets Girl.

They sang as if their lives depended on it. The second chorus came on but not only that but so did more girls.

Prizmmy continued to dance but turned around to see who had joined them. Prism Mates.

But not only that. They could see Kanon, Natsu and even Runa.
Tears began to flow but not from sadness but because they were happy.

They performed Ez Do Dance, Panpina and Prism Mates even peformed their songs.

Before they knew it. They had performed their last song. Reina and Mia were trying to stop crying by laughing.

"There is one more song to perform."


All the girls looked around. The voice... was so... so.. familiar.
They heard someone walk onto the stage. And everyone screamed one name. Not just the crowd but Prism Box as well.


Ayami walked in with the smile that everyone loved.

Everyone jumped onto her. Tears and smiles covered her up.
Music began again and as soon as it started they were all in tears once again.

Best Friend.

Prizmmy ~ Dear My FutureWhere stories live. Discover now