Who was it?

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*COP ALARMS* "If i go to jail because of you Cyan I WILL get you." Bryan urges. "It's all your fault Bryan this is because you locked me in that STUPID machine of yours. By the way, the password was Jennifer, our mom was the password and it took me years to find it." The cops start yelling "Open up! We know your in their! Your 2 cars are outside!" Two cars? Bryan thinks to himself. "Really you stole a car!?" Bryan starts walking to the door and opens it. "Hey cops umm before you take me in get the guy that's in my backyard please." Day's later. The cops took the twins to a court because they blame eachother for the crime of robing a bank and shooting a guy. "This gun has finger prints of Cyan." The jurry continued. "This bag says the same thing. So, I declare Cyan to be guilty and Bryan innocent." Cyan starts yelling. "NO! CYAN TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME." The cops start dragging him off to jail. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TRUST HIM! IM BRYAN NOT CYAN. NO NOT RIGHT NOW N-" The door shuts. "Thanks Bryan for putting this bad guy in jail. Your a hero." Thanks" Bryan responded. Bryan goes home and sits on the couch. "Stupid jurry, I'm Cyan not that other guy. Wow, I'm super smart, I out smarted the judge. And now, I've had my revenge- I've also completed my plan with some adjustments. That's what he gets for killing my parents. MWAAHHAAAHAA!!"

The End

Yeah, that's it

I SAID there's no more!





I'll make a new book soon


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