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Believing Means Nothing...

I was really pissed off that Reanna just had to go like that, but I shrugged it off eventually and reminded myself that I’d call her later and ask her what the hell was going on with her and that guy. I’d kill him if he did anything to her, real talks.

“Aye Courtney man, come we’re going my yard.” I nodded and walked with the mandem back to Devon’s house. Once we got there we all sat there jamming in his living room, banging out some PS3 and smoking. I blew out some smoke and looked at my BB to see if Reanna had changed anything, but nothing. It still said “with my big head Courtney. :*” so she’d obviously had not gotten the chance yet. I hope she was okay you know. We all heard the door ringing and nobody moved.

“Ahh someone get it, I beg.” Devon asked, we all looked at him and started creasing.

“Aye blud isn’t this your house though?” Timothy, one of the mandem said. We all agreed and Devon kissed his teeth going to get it. A little bit later more people came in, a few sexy girls and a pack or mandem that we all knew too. I guess you could say things changed completely cause next thing you know things started to turn into a drink up, and I was zoned. I stood there in the kitchen with a pack of random people I didn’t know bunning my zoot. I looked at my BB and noticed Reanna had changed her name to “NO BB, MUM HAS IT! :l” which I knew was a bait lie. I’d go check her tomorrow and see what’s actually happening.

“Hey there, sexy.” I looked down to see some light skinned chick looking directly at me with a smirk, I narrowed my eyes and nodded back at her. She moved slightly closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I moved my head back awkwardly because she smelt of alcohol. “You know you’re really sexy, right? I like sexy boys like you, because I can pleasure them perfectly. Rolling my tongue along your-”

“Don’t you think I already know that?” I kissed my teeth. “Move you drunk clapped goat, before I kick you.” She looked at me and rolled her eyes before stumbling away over to someone else. I kissed my teeth and went upstairs into Devon’s bedroom, locked the door and sat on the bed. I tried to call Reanna’s phone, but no one picked up. I called another three times until it was answered.

“Yoo Reanna wagwarn?”

“This aint Reanna you nuh’ little prick.” I screwed instantly and kissed my teeth, “take this fucking warning though, stop following after my girl like you want her.”

“Romaine, yeah? COOL.” I hung up and laughed. He thinks I want Ree? Get over yourself, we’re only friends now. I got back up and told some sket to find Devon and tell him Courtney had left, I ducked out and made my way to my mum’s house. Once I got there I knocked on the door and she opened it with a worried expression on her face.

“Mum, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She instantly smiled and invited me in. We walked into the kitchen and I sat down while she continued to cook.

“How are you, Courtney?” I shrugged my shoulders and took an apple out of the fruit bowl eating it. “I worry about my son sometimes you know.”

“I’m fine, there is no need to worry about me.” I told her and looked around for more food. She slapped my hand away and I hissed.

“Ouch man, where’s Zoe?”

“...” she didn’t reply, she just continued to cook.

“Mum, where is Zoe?” I said a bit louder.

“She’s at her friend’s house.” She replied quickly, a bit too quickly.

“How long has she been there for though?”

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