Admin: everyone I have an announcement!!
Handy: what is it?
Admin: there will be someone new in this ask and dare book
Margo: and who is it
*knock knock*
Admin: that's them
Margo: I got it *answers the door*
Bryan: hi!
Margo: hey come in and introduce yourself
Bryan: *comes in* hi everyone I'm Bryan nice to meet you all
Kathy: nice too meet you too
Mime:*sees Bryan* (Bryan!!!)
Bryan: mime!!!
Mime:*uses signs language* (what are you doing here!)
Bryan: doing ask and dare with you
Sophie: what is going on?
Flippy: looks like they know each other
Flaky: you know sign language?
Fliqpy: we learned that from war training
Flippy: yeah
Bryan: *blushing* I told you to never bring that every again
Mime: (hahahaha)
Margo: what did mime say?
Fliqpy: something about middle school and being pantsed
Everyone: heheheh!
Bryan: ask and dare us bye!