Sister Protection Program: Chapter 4

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Vanessa’s POV

When I sat the doctor looked nervous.

‘Vanessa.. I have.... bad news...” he said, softly.The look on his face was making me incredibly scared. What could be wrong with me?

"H-how bad?" I whispered, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.

"Bad.... Vanessa... your flu like symptoms..... they are much more serious than we expected....." he said, "what I'm about to tell you is very serious.." He took a seat in his wheely chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked up at me with a pained expression...and told me the diagnostics. Once those words met my ears....I refused to believe him.

"No." I said in a strained voice. "No, no, no, no, no, NO!"

"Vanessa.. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.. but it's definitely Leukemia.... I want to start you on chemotherapy immediately.... and get you on a list for a bone marrow transplant...." he said.

"T-t-t-this cannot be happening." I sobbed, my chest getting tighter from my heavy breathing. "My family cannot handle going through this again! We already lost my Mother to Leukemia....and now....."

"I have high hopes for remission Vanessa.... if we begin treatment immediately...... we can do home care.... so you have less hospital time..." he said. I wiped my streaming eyes and brought my knees to my chest.... Leukemia....of all the things I could had to be was I going to tell my family...Jen?? And was I going to tell Niall?

"I'll send a nurse to your home tomorrow to do your first chemo...... be rested... eat.... and fill these scripts.. and take them before your infusion..." he said, handing me some papers. I hesitantly took them off of him, then walked clumsily for the front door of the building. I so desperately wanted to bolt, but I wasn't in control of my body, I felt like I was a marionette and I was being manipulated by another person. Somehow I made it to my car, but I fell to the ground in a heap before I could get in. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the contacts...I couldn't call Jen and there was no way I was calling Niall. But there was one person I could call....I found his number and he answered on the third ring.

"L-Liam." I choked out.

"Nessa? Whats wrong girly?" he asked. Liam and I always emailed and talked.. skyped.... and when he split with Danielle I was his main confidant.....

"I-I.....can you come and get me...please?" I sobbed.

"Ooh god.... of course.. where are you?!" he asked. I told him I was at the hospital and he said he would be there in five minutes.

"Li...please don't tell Niall where you're going." I pleaded.

"Umm alright..." he said, and we hung up. When he arrived he pulled me into his arms. "What's wrong... what's going on?" he asked, softly. I fisted his shirt with my hand and buried my tear-stained face into his shoulder.

"I can't....." I whispered.

"Tell me Nessie.... tell me.." he said, hugging me. I took three, deep, calming breaths. Trying to fill my lungs with as much oxygen as possible.

"I've got Cancer Liam.....the same type that killed my Mother."

"Oh Nessie..." He said, in shock, "Are they.... sure?"

"Those tests don't lie Li." I whimpered.

"Oh god... come on.. let's get you home..." he said, and got me in his car.... he'd come back for mine later. We filled my prescriptions and when we got home he got me tucked into bed.

"You have to tell Jeny and Niall... they'll want to know..." he said, softly.

"Hooooow?!" I wailed, clutching my teddy bear in my arms.

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