Me (poland) in starbucks❤️

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Poland: omg the s'mores frappe chino is back

Cashier: uh yep

Poland: I'll have a venti

Cashier: uh venti what?! (Sort of confused, loooooooool)

Poland: hello, a s'mores frappe chino

Cashier: um, a venti s'mores frappe chino then

Poland: yep, wait no, double expresso over ice , no wait cherry blossom frappe chino

Cashier: sorry madam we discontinued the cherry blossom frappe chino.

Poland: 😭😳🖕🦄😳😖😱😨😰😥😪😓😤😮😣😡🖕 I'm not a woman!

Cashier: oh sorry madam

Poland:ahhhhhhhhhg 🖕

Poland: (looks at giant line behind him) 🤔 fine I'll just have a venti double expresso over ice

Cashier: ok that will be 4.50 madam, oh and what's your name madam.

Poland:😤 my name is Poland, wait actually I'll have a................


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