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She slammed her body into the only glass wall of cell. Pain pulsed through her shoulder but she continued until two wardens arrived. One ran to the control panel and the other stopped in front of her, observing. Her greasy, teal coloured hair hung in her eyes has she stared down the man.  The warden's eyes flicked down for a second and she lunged, hissing. She smashed against the glass and the warden laughed. She glared at her midnight black hands, trying to figure out a way to escape the concrete cell.

"Is the big bad mutant bug confused?" The man teased. She growled and lunged again. Hitting the glass, her acute hearing picking up the tiniest cracking sound. Footsteps came towards the cell's room and she turned to face the heavy metal door as it's bolt slid back with a clang. A rugged, important looking man entered the large space in front of the cell she was kept in.

"Captain!" He yelled at the man standing in front of her. "What is going on with the bug?!"

"Colonial!" He spun and saluted the man. "It's just throwing itself against the glass of the cell, sir."

"What are you gonna do about that, Captain?"

"Well, sir, what do you want us to do, sir?" The Colonial shoved the Captain away from the glass and looked at her, thinking hard.

"Captain?" He turned away from her.

"Yes, sir?"

"The beast wears it's collar at all times, yes?"

"Yes, sir, always."

"And you are aware that General Matthews is coming in exactly 30 minutes to judge the beast and it's usefulness to our campaign?"

"No, sir, I did not." The Colonial walked up to the Captain, his face so close that the Captain could see the golden flecks in the Colonial's brown eyes.

"Well, then," his voice was deathly calm. "Don't you think that the beast should be a little more submissive to our commands? I have had this thing in my sights for 4 years now and I will not let it's stubbornness kill it when I have only had it in my facility for a week. I know what this thing can do and if the General does not believe it can help us take what Hydra needs, I will show him it's abilities whether the beast likes it or not." The Colonial stepped back and turned to the warden at the control panel. "Private?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Please let me deal with this creature. I know what will help it see what we want it to see."

"Of course, sir." He stepped out from behind the panel an let the Colonial take his place. The man looked into the bright, bottle green of the creature with pure black skin, teal hair and large dragonfly wings, the smile of a manic stretched across his lips.
"You will obey me!" He cried, hitting a button on the panel. Screeches echoed through the facility as electricity coursed through the creatures body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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