Chapter 1

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Hello reader. Here is my second book for Wattpad. I hope you all enjoy. 

(y/n)= Your name

(e/c)= Eye color

(h/l)= hair length

(h/c)= hair color

(w/n)= weapon name

(a/c)= aura color

(a/n):Author note

"__"= what someone is thinking

(f/c) = favorite color


"Thisis it! I'm finally on my way to beacon. Now when I become a huntressI can show everyone that the name schnee isn't as stained as theythink."

pilot:we'll be landing in a few hours miss schnee

Weiss:thank you. i look out the window thinking about home "lookslike this is a new step for me. I just wish you here with me (y/n)"

-Flashback2 months-

(y/n):weiss? Are you here?

Weiss:I'm right here you dunce.

Ilook at (y/n) as he walk up to me, his (h/l) (h/c) hair sways in thewind lightly and (e/c) shine from the sunset dressed in his usualclothes of boots, white cargo pants (f/c) shirt and atlas dog tags.

(y/n):so beacon huh?

Weiss: Yeah, I want to be a huntress but in myown terms unlike the people at atlas academy who mindlessly train tobe part of the military.

(y/n):Ouch, tell me how you really feel Weiss... he looks at the sunset

Weiss:you know I don't think of you like them. "why did I saythat?! I forgot he's going there letting him in early."

(y/n):chuckles I know.


Igasp and look seeing my older sister

Winter:So this is where you have been running off too. Oh and who do we havehere? General ironwood's son, my my what an interesting choicesister. But you need to get back to the theater you singing next.

Weiss:yes winter. *I leave looking back at (y/n) one last time before heteleports away.


Weiss:"That was the last time I saw (y/n)"

Servant:miss schnee we have arrived at our location.

Weiss:Thank you. I stand and wander onto beacon as my helpers get mybags

-Timeskip no one's POV-

(y/n)teleports into ironwood's office now in his new armor.

(a/n:new armor is Mass effect 3 alliance marine armor with the breatherhelmet and tinted visor but instead of the alliance symbol it will bethe Atlas symbol. Also with your helmet on your voice is deeper muchlike Agent Z's voice if you've ever seen the movie "Buzz Lightyearof Star Command")

Ironwood:GAH! Stop doing that!

(y/n): sorry sir, but you wanted me hereon the double.

Ironwood:yes I did. I have any assignment for you. I need you to accompany meand Winter Schnee to the forever falls festival in Vale.

(y/n):yes sir, what will I be doing there?

Ironwood:To help beacon students with their fighting training, Ozpin hasallowed me to place one atlas specialist to their teams. You will bebe briefed more on the matter once at beacon.

(y/n):yes sir he nods then leaves

"sowere on out way to beacon huh? Wounder if she'll even remember me."

(y/n)walks to the hanger seeing Winter so you walk up to her and her ship

Winter:looks at you Who are you? Another rookie wanting to looktough?

(y/n):One I don't need to look tough to play the part. And two, that isLieutenant General to you Schnee.

hereyes widen and suddenly stands at attention saluting you

Winter:i-i'm sorry sir! I didn't recognize it was you.

youjust chuckle and walk past her onto her ship with your arms behindyour back.

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