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"What happened to you last night?" I asked Jess, I then began to tell her about the creepy unknown caller. "I had to sleep GURL chill da,n" she screamed at me. Just then Michael Clifford popped out from the depths of hell. "Yo bitchez I'm here surround me" he said. He then proceeded to pull another person out from the depths of hell, it was Calum Hood. "I murdered a cat cuz it hit a dog" he giggled. Just then the house started to shake. And the only way to stop it was to step onto Brendon Urie's forehead and fly to heaven. "Hop on everyone!" He said. We all hopped on and flew up to the sky. It smelled like ass on his forehead but we didn't complain. We finally made it to heaven and.....

k I'll update tomorrow k bye (this chapter Idek it has nothin to do with the story k bye)

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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