i was alone

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this is a story of how i was made into a murderer. I was always the kid that seems to enjoy being alone sence no one ever talks to me or try to be friends with me,and if they do it doesn't last long. I've been having trouble staying happy but that doesn't matter. usually when it's free time or something like that i enjoy reading gore storys but most kids read about zombies or even ghosts, Now im more into the actual fright and horror. but ever sence i started watching horror movies i really enjoy it and i know better to know it's not real while other kids gets terrified and cant sleep. so ever sence i watched horror films or read gore storys sence im always alone i being to think about bones snapping or even blood rushing down from someones stomach, this tends to happen alot.

so about a year later i find a girl friend and a best friend, they both mean the world to me. my thoughts have gone away because they make me happy and not feel alone. sure people talk behind my back and spread rumours about me, but i have them. but one day i was walking with my girlfriend and my best friend. we end up at the park at dawn. we sit at a bench and begin to talk my girlfriend lays on my chest as i play with her hair. i get this strange feeling im being watched so i look around and see someone about my height in a mask and wielding some sort of weapon. i get up in a rush and my girlfriend gets frightened and so does my friend. he inches closer to me with a knife and i slap the knife out of hand and begin to punch him he swings and knocks me out cold. i wake up still in the park at sometime around morning and i feel dizzy, i look around and i regain my vision. and oh the sight i saw broke me completely, i walk over to two bodys on the floor with a pool of blood on the ground, i collapse to the ground and begin to cry my eyes out. i look around and i see the knife and i call the police. they arrive shortly and take the bodys and they take the knife. i go with them to see who it was and i found out it was one of my bullys. i go home and start to have these thoughts again but instead it's with the bully and what i do to him...i feel a big grin on my face. i go exploring with a knife and rope in my pocket. i look around houses and i see an open window i look through it to see the bully, i begin to smile deeply. i slowly climb in and i grab him and cover his mouth. i take him to some abandoned house with a basement in the morning. i tie him to the poles and i look him dead in the eyes and say "you took my intire world away form me....don't think you will make it out alive now cause your gonna feel my pain too" i slowly get closer to him with a knife and i hear him scream in muffled words the the ducktape and i couldn't understand him. i take his hand and i take his finger and rip off his fingernail and i hear him scream in pain, blood drips down fast and he beings to sweat. i take the same finger and break it i hear the snap of his finger and smiles big. then i take his wrist and cuts down tge wirst with my knife and i hear him scream heavily and blood gushes down and creates a small pool. i take off his shirt and i cut into his chest in a straight line and he screams weakly this time. i take out his organs and shows him his insides and he closes his eye, so i cut his eye lids off so he can't blink anymore. i stab him repeatedly in the chest and he dies. i chop off his limbs and puts him in the garbage bag and throws the body in the trash on Wednesday morning.

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