CH 1

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My first day in a palace, and I only know a stuffed cat.

I sit on my bed as the two guards speak, not knowing why the hell there are two royal guards in my room, let alone my house. I don't know, did they find out about the thing? Do they know? Shit they know. God damn it they know.

I, unfortunately, am not normal. I WOULD have been normal before the whole WW-IIII, when humans were common. After the Greenworld Bomb hit, humans started mutating. Some grew fangs and a rather large bloodlust, others gained odd powers, some got the ability to shift into any creature, finally, some got the ability to become two creatures one a human-animal hybrid, the other a full on animal. The most common of the last is a werecat. Because back then, nearly all the wolves had gone extinct.

I tune into the two cat-guards, tuning into their conversation to try and find out why they were in my home.

"Yeah, she's the first on the list." Gard #1 says, gesturing to me.

"She smells off, like a Magi though." Gard #2, who I am now naming Chansler fluffy-buns, retorts.

"That's because magi are very close to humans you idiot!" Gard#1, now greyfur, says, smacking fluffybuns on the back of the head. He grabs my arm, and says in a much more sophisticated voice, "You have to come with us Ms. Blueflame."

Yes, I know that name sounds utterly fake, but believe me, as Alisa Rose Bluefllame, it is very true. I quickly grab the closest thing to my right, which happens to be a stuffed cat, conveniently named 'kitty'. 3 year old me was oh so creative.

The guard pulls me off my bed, and he less guides me to the car then pull me to it, and pushes me inside. Luckily for us, electric cars are a thing that we use. Greyfur the old cat-guard pushes me into the car, and I instinctively pull on a seatbelt. Yay for safe strict parents!! I hold on tightly to kitty's worn leg, and try my best to not look like a small child.

It's a long drive to the palace and I get bored really easily. The guards are talking, but what they say is all about things like training schedules and other guard-stuff. Real hard to listen to that. I look down at kitty, and consider talking to myself in his voice. Yes, I a grown ass 17 ½ year old girl still remembers and talks in my stuffed small brown and black cats voice. What you gonna do about it? Then, I realize it would make me seem insane.

Instead I start worrying. First it's if I'm going to be killed for being a human, because they tend to be seen as evil angry... things. But then why wouldn't I be dead already? If they were sent to kill me they would have done it. I shudder, remembering a rouge were-cat attacking a deer. I saw that on my last forest outing, and that was what, two years ago? Still gives me the creeps. Were-cats kill fast, and that is a lot more likely to happen then them hanging me in the gallows.

Then I go to other things. Forced blood-bank for the local vamps? I've seen a couple broken humans be forced into that. Some say it even feels good to be drank from. I don't like the idea of something drinking my blood, or even biting me. I shake that idea out of my head, thinking I'd rather die than be forced to do that. Ever.

Living training dummy? Thats one reason to keep me alive before killing me. Teaching the new guards how to sent and destroy a human. Yeah, it's likely, but then why am I not shackled and tied up to my eyes? Not likely I'll be turned into an object to kill.

My mind goes to another use that involves being an object. NO, ARIA DON'T THINK OF IT.

Now focusing on my kitty again, I permanently try and get rid of that thought. Bad Aria, stop it. Now trying to think of something else, I focus on ways to protect myself from were-anything's. Knifes, baseball bat, yeah. Those would help a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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