Yay!!!! Day of the Thornton fest!!!
It is... 645 A.M!!!!
Why the heck am I up so early?
Ya i don't actually know!!!
AWESOME!!!! I think I'm kinda hyper drunk because of my banquet last night!!
who knows what the world will bring upon us today....
Hopefully something great and not so embarrassing.....again....
So I'll probably just talk when my day is like over... I'll be updating all day though we'll... More like to say, updating and then at like 6 I'll have this book published!!!
It is.... 1144 am I just finished my first demo, and I was gonna buy food with my mom and dad.
I mean i couldn't break the bored and I'm stiff.
So I didn't but food with them I'm to make Kbye!!!
It's 415p.m and I'm finally at home after the longest day of my life.My feet hurt soooo much...
I was sparring my friend.
I wood board with my hand and almost broke two.I sang some songs with my broseph.
Saw some old friends..
Messed around and yeah that was honestly my day....
I am just trying to get my aunts cats out from under the tv mueble.
And being with my nephew...
Okay bye!!!!
Ill update if any news comed up!!!
Love peace and chicken grease have a fabulous chicken!!