Prologue: When You Got Confessed, Accept It or Reject It

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When you got Confessed, Accept it or reject it

(Note: This story happen,,, well 2 years after Farewell Shinsengumi Arc and just pretend that everything got back to what it was :3 )

It was a sunny day in Edo, after some event that happens in Edo, finally the Yorozuya Gin-chan have their ordinary life back. The Shinsengumi are back to Edo, everything got normal again.

Actually, not everything. Kagura and Sougo have been going out for 1 years long, since some events that happened. These two rival, somehow turned into two lovely couples.


"What-aru ?"

"No... Kagura!"

he called me with my name, how unusual. Even we are going out for 1 year long he still never call me by my name and always says china. His faces look so serious by the way.

"Err... what is it-aru? You kinda creep me out"

"Uhm.. you know.. w-we have been going out for almost 1 year and... you also nearly reach your 17,,," says Sougo, his face blushed.

"Sadist??" don't tell me this is...

"w-w-will you be my slave-"

Right before Sougo finished his words, Kagura throws a furious punch at his face, made him throwed back and hitted a nearby park's bench.

"You no joking right, Sadist?" Says Kagura, her face raged and she pointed her umbrella at Sougo

"No no no no no, I'm just joking you know,-"

"What do you want to tell me? Spit it out clearly you bastard sadist or I will shoot you-aru!"

"No, I'm serious, will you be my bride, Kagura."

*badump badump

A moment of silent for those two person, 'EHHHH!!!! WHAT!? WHAT!? WWHHAAATT!? he really said it, ehh- is this a dream? to think that sadist will says something like this is... EEHHH!! no.. this must be a dream, yeah, absolutely, this is a dream.

"Kagura? Your faces is all red"

"Eh?.." This... isn't a dream....

"What is your answer?"

"... H-h-how should I know! this is so sudden you stupid sadist!"

"Heh, you still calling me Sadist after this long 1 year, can you even call my name? I've strengthen my guts to call your names you know, China."

"Arrghh!! I don't care! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

"Calling me stupid make this police officer's hearts broke you know, you could be arrested by this police officer"

"Arrgghh!! I don't care anymore!"

Kagura and Sougo had their time quarreling in the park, and still  no definite answers from Kagura. Although Sougo still convince and tease Kagura.

"Come on, just accept it and be my slav- I mean my bride" Says Sougo

"You just says slave right? you said it right?" Kagura replied

This guy, I know I wanted to say yes but, it still confuses me, can he just give me a little time to think!? He is really sadist.

"Okay, okay-aru"

"Ah... Finally" Says Sougo while pulling out a black mini box from his pocket

"What is that?" ask Kagura

Sougo opened the box and a shiny flash comes out from the box, Kagura slowly opened her eyes and couldn't believe for what she saw.


"Wait, this is still too fast"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, let's talk about this at Gin-chan's places. At the Yorozuya-aru"

"To danna places huh? sounds fine by me"

"Uh.. I'm so tired..." says Kagura, relieved and sit on the ground.

"Okay then, China, let's hold hands together"

Kagura that was still on the ground nodded with her red chubby cheeks. Sougo pulled her and they hold hands together. Walking together to Yorozuya.

"I love you China"



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