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I have been told to never let fear get in the way of what I want in life. However, having my anxiety it can be hard for me to take chances. The truth is I am afraid of a lot of things. I'm afraid of never finding love, I'm afraid of  taking risk, I'm afraid I won't get into college, I'm afraid no one will like my books, and I'm afraid of not having a purpose in my life. I hate dissapointing people, but who doesn't?  I'm afraid to drive by myself cause I don't wanna hurt anyone. I'm actually afraid of a lot . However,  I am learning that the more you try things , the easier it will become to take chances and not be afraid. I have been so conflicted for years and I hate it . I hate having anxiety and being fearful that something could go wrong but who isn't?  The thing about fear is , it's a part of life , I mean come on people , we all have fears . Whether its being afraid to graduate and go into the real world or getting into the car and drive for the first time fear can get the best of us. However , learning to let go of that fear and having that confidence in yourself to know that you can do this is what makes that fear go away. I know I can't  live in fear all my life because if I do then I am only hurting myself.  I know I have to be willing to take that chance and just hope for the best in the end.  Of course it takes work because nothing is handed to you in this world and life is not all rainbows and butterflies as much as we would love it to be. However, despite this, I have learned that even though the journey will be hard and life is not all rainbows and butterflies that it is still worth taking those chances. Someone once told me that when we fall down we have the chance to either get up and rise again or we can let the very thing that knocked us down consume us. So I am choosing to rise, because even though this life may not be easy I know in the end I will succeed and I will be truly happy with what I have done . So today when I decided to take a chance I decided to drive and even though I was terrified at first once I turned up the radio and backed out of the drive way I realized that because I took a chance my fear was gone . Even though I was only gone for 10 minutes  for those 10 single minutes there was no fear and the voice in my head it was gone , and that feeling of happiness and excitment I wanna feel that for the rest of my life and by taking chances and not being afraid of making mistakes I will and so can you.

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