Tony Perry - Teenage Daughter

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~Alex's POV~

Party at the Chad's house tomorrow!!! Better see you there :)


I read the text and quickly responded.

I'll be there :)

I have to ask my dad first though and he can be very over protective of me sometimes. I tried to think of the best way to ask him, I couldn't just say I was going to a party, he would never let me go. I thought of the best way possible and decided to go ask him.

"Hey dad." I said as innocent sounding as possible.

"Hi sweetie." He smiled.

"So, um, you know I'm really responsible right?" He nodded. "And I would never do anything bad?" He looked at me skeptically and nodded. "Well Nicki invited me to a party. Her and all our friends are going to be there." I rushed out.

He sighed and looked me straight in the eye. "Where is it and how old are the people there going to be?"

"It's at Chad's house and I don't know, fifteen to eightteen maybe?" I said more like an question than an answer.

"Is there going to be alcohal?" He asked the question I was dreading most.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "But I won't drink any! You already said you think I'm responsible."

"I know you are I'm just not sure you should be going to this party." 

I knew this was going to happen but the anger still over took my mind.

"Why do you not trust me?" I snapped.

His eyes widend.

"Of course I trust you but I don't think you should go to party where everyone will be drunk!" His voice rose in anger.

"They won't be! And Nicki and Kendra are going to be there too! They won't be drunk!" I was practically yelling now.

I could tell he was furious by the look on his face.


"FINE!" I ran up to my room and slammed my door, I made sure he would be able to hear it.

Everyone's talking about this party. It's going to be the party of the year! You better not chicken out 


I was going to this party whether my dad wanted me to or not.

I'll be there! Don't worry

I picked out my outfit and started doing my hair and makeup. I loosely curled my hair letting it flow down my shoulders and I gave myself a smokey eye. I pulled on my black dress, it was quite tight and hugged my body. I grabbed my phone put it in my purse along with some money. I locked my door and opened my window slowly hoping my dad wouldn't hear. I climbed out onto a tree and carefully climbed down being careful not to fall. When I got on the ground I tip toed to the back gate trying to avoid going in front of windows. When I got through the gate I ran to the bench that Nicki and I always meet at before school.

Can you drive me to the party?

I typed quickly and sent it to Nicki.

So you snuck out? haha meet at our bench


Yeahh, see you soon :)

I sat down and waited for her to come. I played some games on my phone for about five minutes and then she showed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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