Hatsune Miku - Pierrot [JimmyThumb-P]

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It's fine, it's fine
I joke around like this now all the time
In this show it's all the same
I'm the clown without a name

Though I try my best to keep my balance
Twisting and swaying on a ball just like the bright moon
In the end I'll have to fall right over
But I will smile again as laughter fills the room

Hidden there within the crowd
You stared straight at the ground
But I could just about see tears falling once in a while
Although your parents took no notice
I couldn't bear to see you like this
So let me try and turn your tears to a smile 

It's fine, it's fine
It's always been inside this job of mine
If you'd only smile at me
Then I know you'd see

All right, all right
I fall around just like this every night
Laugh it off here all the same
I'm the clown without a name

After everything I saw you again
Saying that everything I'd done tonight was a lie
"I could never lie to you, believe me"
But all that my words did was make you start to cry

"Show me what's under your mask
Show your true face at last
Although you hide it well I'm sure it longs to see the light"
It's fine to say each time you're frowning
It's fine to reach out when you're drowning
'Cause everyone will feel this way over time

Okay, okay?
Whenever your smile falters in the pain
Let your guard down and just cry
You don't have to lie

Okay, okay?
Just let it go and cast it all away
I'll stay if you want me to
And I'll cry with you

All right, all right,
You've helped me now to step into the light
I was falling fast but then
You found me again

Alright, alright
The words you said had just cast a spell on that night
And now, that poor clown that always lied
Has learned now to leave that life behind

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