slumber party

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Inner moka pov~
Hey um (y/n). He then turned around and said:yeah what you need? The other girls looked at me as I said: do you want to hang out?(y/n):sure.I have time to kill. I then grabbed his hand and dragged him to my room.the others then followed me.

Your pov~
You:inner moka where are you taking me to? Inner moka:we're going to my room. You:OK but why? We going to have a sleepover tonight. All the girls are excited but I was nervous about my tattoos on my arm and they were ask what they were so In a moment of desperation. You:I didn't bring extra clothes so I'll just go get some. Then inner moka grabbed my hand and said:that doesn't bother me you know.your thoughts:well I'm screwed. You:what if I get cold. Inner moka:then I'll keep you warm with my body. You know you're not going to win this fight,so give up. You:alright you win.
She then laughed and asked:why are you so nervous?. Inner moka:your so cute when you get nervous. She then saw me blushing and hugged me. She then put me on her shoulders and carried me.I then put my head on hers and took a nap.

vampire Rosario Inner moka X male Reader REAPER archangel Where stories live. Discover now