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Hey all of my lovely friends!
For all of you who don't know what this is it's a thing where you have to answer the questions asked. You can also tag other people to continue the chain, any way I was tagged by the lovely|~Happy_SwagNeel_4eva Thank you for the tag!

Age~ that's a mystery o3~

Birthday~ September 16th

Name~ Veronica {Elizabeth} Graham

Zodiac~ Virgo, Punishment princess? XD

Favorite color~ All of them!

Social Medias~ Tumblr, YouTube (does that count?) Google+, Wattpad, Vine, Twitter

Single or Taken~ taken with my Wife Jenelle XD Jk I'm alone

Hair/Eye color~ I'm a dirty blonde with chocolate brown eyes

I tag
And any one else who wants to do it

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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