Chapter 32 "The Fox in the Hen House"

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New P.O.V

Allison P.O.V

"Hey, wake up douche bag!" I said while slapping the stranger's arm. Why the hell did I even pick him up? He was the worst in bed. He groaned under the pillow he used to cover his face from the sunlight that went through the window of my apartment. 

I pulled the pillow and slapped his arm again. "Hey, wake your butt up loser!" He shifted and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes with his hands. I crossed my arms on my chest, getting impatient.

"Get out of my fucking apartment now!" I hissed. 

"What? What happened last night?" 

I let out a fake chuckle. "You were the worst last night and you didn't even remember what happened, unbelievable! Get out of my apartment before I'll call a security to drag you out."

"Fine, bitch!'', he muttered. He picked up his pants and shirt on the floor and wore them before he slowly walked towards the door. Before he open the door, he turned his back and looked at me.

"Can we hook up again?"

"Are you kidding me?", I mocked. 

"Oh come on, last night was great!" I couldn't help but burst in laughter. 

"A-Are you f-f*cking kidding me?" I said through fits of laughter. I stopped when I felt my stomach ache and tears formed on the corner of my eyes. I walked to him, hands resting on my hips.

"Last night was a DISASTER! I am amazing, always been and you are...wait, was it your first time last night?" He coyly rubbed the back of his head and nodded. 

"So, that's why. Well, I'm afraid we can't hook up again so get out now." He sighed before turning his back and exited the room. Finally!  I strutted to the living room, poured myself a glass of wine and sat down on the couch. I grabbed the remote on the glass table and switched on the TV. I flipped through the channels but didn't found an interesting program so I settled for a news report. I stood up and poured another shot of wine but stopped when the news mentioned Luke. I watched intently as the showbiz news unfolds.

''Another heartbreak for women out there as the famous handsome player and a successful CEO, Luke Xavier Lacela, secretly proposed to her girlfriend Rhel Forbes, daughter of the great William Forbes. The couple was spotted getting cozy in public but not just it folks, the paparazzi captured the diamond ring on Rhel's finger.  Lots of rumors had been circulating that the two are engaged and those rumors were confirmed by Luke himself that he actually proposed to his girlfriend...."

"No, no, no, no..." I clenched the glass tightly and threw it on the TV. Anger rose up within me and all I see is red. My hands curled into fists and I clenched my jaw.

This can't be happening. 

Luke is mine.

No one can have him except me.

And with that, I threw the bottle of wine, angrily swept all the papers on the table and anything that caught my sight. Heat engulfed my body and I wanted to smash everything around me. I grabbed a fistful of my hair, trying to erase the negative images of Rhel walking down the aisle with Luke waiting on the altar. I sat down calming myself. My feet were tapping against the floor while my body rocked back and forth. 

"Luke is mine." I muttered over and over again still rocking my body. I stopped when my phone rang and vibrated against the marble countertop. I groaned frustratingly and stood up. I looked at the display name and sighed before bringing the phone against my ear.

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