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"I hope it's a girl." Nicole said as she looked at the ultrasound pictures.

"Me too. I'm sick of us being the only girls in this house." Brooklyn replied.

"When will we find out what we're having?" Theodore asked.

"When I'm five months—so two months from now." Brooklyn said. "I can't believe that I'm pregnant and my youngest is not even one yet."

Theodore shrugged. "He'll be one in a few weeks so it's not that bad."

Cleo walked into the house and slammed the door, causing everyone all to jump. Brooklyn told the kids to stay in the living room as she went to go see what was going on. She followed Cleo upstairs and into their bedroom.

"You scared the kids, CJ." Brooklyn said as she closed the door.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little pissed off." Cleo took a deep breath and ran his right hand down his face. "The place Jake and I wanted was sold to some people who want to open up a liquor store. It's fucked up."

Brooklyn sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. We'll just have to keep searching. I can look online to see what's available. Everything is gonna fall into place."

Cleo nodded as he tried to think positive. "Thank you, baby." Brooklyn smiled and kissed his lips.


"Hey, Mrs. James. Hey, coach. I know it's your planning period, but I need someone to talk to." One of Brooklyn's students, Trinity said.

"Yeah, come in." Brooklyn said. "Do you want to talk to both of us or just me?"

"Both of you." Trinity replied as she sat down.

"Good because I wasn't leaving anyway." Cleo said in a joking manner, but he was serious. Brooklyn pinched his thigh, making him jump a little.

"I—I need some advice." Trinity started. "I took a pregnancy test last week and it came out positive."

"Girl! You are only seventeen! What you doing fucking?!" Cleo snapped.

"CJ!" Brooklyn exclaimed. "Get out!"

Cleo sucked his teeth and gathered the rest of his lunch. He stood up from the chair and mugged Trinity as he walked out. The reason why Cleo was angry is because Trinity is the best and most versatile runner on the track team. She could lose her scholarships due to her being pregnant.

"I'm scared, Mrs. James." Trinity said once Cleo left the classroom. "I haven't told my parents because I they'll kill me and they don't like my boyfriend."

"Who's your boyfriend?" Brooklyn asked.


Brooklyn rolled her eyes. She doesn't like that boy either. "Have you told him?"

"Yes and he wants to keep it, but I don't want this baby. I want to get an abortion." She said.

Brooklyn took a deep breath. "Trinity, I'm just your teacher and it's not right for me to give you this type of advice. I know it's hard, but you have to tell your parents."

"But they'll kill me. I can't tell them." Trinity cried.

"I highly recommend you to talk to your parents, but at the end of the day, this is your body and your life. It's all up to you." Brooklyn told her.

"How did things go with Trin?" Cleo asked as he handed Nigel a piece of papaya.

"Why are you feeding him that? It's so disgusting." Brooklyn said.

"Stop tripping and answer my question." Cleo told her.

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "I think she's going to get an abortion. You'll never guess who the dad is though."

Cleo raised an eyebrow. "Who?"


"Aw hell nah!" Cleo exclaimed, scaring Nigel. "How'd she get pregnant by that fool?"

"They had sex, CJ." Brooklyn said. "Nicole, let me see your homework and folder!"

Cleo sucked his teeth. "I know that. I'm just saying—why'd she get pregnant by that fool. He doesn't know the difference between his ass and his forehead."

Brooklyn laughed. "Promise not to beat him up, okay?"

"Yeah, I promise." Cleo mumbled.

"Here you go, mommy." Nicole said, handing Brooklyn her folder and homework.

Cleo grabbed the folder as Brooklyn looked over her homework. "Picture day is Friday." Cleo said. "Those were the good ol days. I used to be fresh for picture day."

Brooklyn laughed. "You used to go all out. You were worse than a female."

"Stop hating on me." Cleo said as he pulled out his phone. He pulled up a picture from his senior year of high school. "This was me in high school, Nicole."

Nicole looked at the picture and laughed. "Why was your shirt so big?" She asked, making Brooklyn laugh.

Cleo sucked his teeth. "Y'all some haters, man."

"Awww, baby. It's okay." Brooklyn said as her laughter died down.

Their doorbell rung. Cleo handed Nigel to Brooklyn before he went to answer it. He opened the door and found Joseph standing there with a smirk on his face. Cleo stepped out of the house and closed the door behind him.

"Why are you at my house, man?" Cleo asked him. "I have my family and your nephew in there, so if you think you're going to stir shit up—you better think again."

Joseph smirked. "You've been acting real scary lately."

"Nah, you've been acting reckless. You got me fucked up if you think you're start some shit at my damn doorstep. I would hate to kill yo ass in my front yard." Cleo snapped.

Joseph swiftly took out his gun and pointed it between Cleo's eyes. Cleo furrowed his eyebrows as he looked directly at Joseph.

"Now what?" Joseph asked.

"You pulled it out, then you better use it." Cleo told him.

Brooklyn quickly opened the door and pointed Cleo's gun at Joseph. "Put the fucking gun down and no one gets hurt." She said.

"So you got your bitch out here defending you?" Joseph teased.

"Get the fuck off my property, man." Cleo said. Joseph went to pull the trigger, but his gun jammed. Cleo grabbed the jammed gun out of his hand and pushed him. "Get your punk ass on."

Joseph smirked and ran away. Cleo turned to Brooklyn and mugged her a little. "What?" Brooklyn asked.

"Don't do that again." Cleo told her.

"What do you mean?! He was about to blow your brains out!" Brooklyn yelled.

"Stop shouting." Cleo said calmly. "You need to stay out of this. This is between me and Joey."

"Your beef is my beef, CJ." Brooklyn said.

"You're pregnant, Brook. I don't need anything happening to you or our unborn." Cleo replied as he took his gun from her. "If some shit does pop off, I don't need you to be in the mix. I just need you to worry about your career and our kids. I'll get shit handled."

Brooklyn rolled her eyes as tears filled them. "I need you to be careful. I can't lose you and the kids can't either."

Cleo pressed a kiss against her forehead. "I'm not going anywhere, baby."

"I'm not fucking playing with you, Cleo. Keep this shit under control." Brooklyn warned.

"Okay, I promise."


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