Why Does It Feel So Real

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Why Does It Feel So Real

My back was against a car that i was hiding behind in a underground parking-lot. With my gun in my hands, holding it against my chest pointing to the ceiling. I lifted my head and turned it to look behind me every few seconds. To see if the shooter was still looking my way to shoot me when I was looking for him.

"Drop it and stand up slowly with your hands in the air." I heard a low husky voice say behind me. With something a little sharp pushed against my nape.

I surrendered putting my hands in the air after putting the gun on the ground.

"Now turn around, very slowly." He ordered me. I turned around slowly and saw his gun inches away from my face.

"If I were you, I'd get that gun out of my face right now." I threatened. "I don't deal with guns in my face very well. So get the fucking gun out of my face."

"And if I don't?" His low husky voice challengingly asked.

"First of all, i'll get it out of your hand and shoot your balls off. Or you could take the easy way out and just put it down and I arrest you. No harm done." I threateningly said narrowing my eyes with a smirk across my lips.

He didn't take me very seriously instead he chuckled and leaned in closer whispering. "I'd love to see you try." Seductively into my ear.

"Wish granted." I whispered back before I hit him in the forehead with the palm of my right hand. Grabbing his right wrist that had the gun in it with my left hand. I jabbed my thumb into the front of his wrist to loosen his grip on the gun. So I could get it out of his hand with no struggle. I grabbed it but he hit my hand causing the gun to go flying across the parking lot. I finger locked my hands together wrapping them around his neck and knee jabbing him in the gut two times. Then he lifted me up in the air running in the direction my back was faced.

"Ugh" I yelled as my back hit a vehicle from behind me. I still hadn't let go of his neck and now he was bending down. I lifted my hands up high enough so my elbows reached a little higher then his head. Now jabbing my right arm elbow into his nape two times. He fell down as a person would if they got knocked out. By this time I was breathing heavily, my heart was pounding loudly a thousand beats a minute. I stepped over him bending down to handcuffing his hands together. Then attached another pair of cuffs to the other ones. One around the chain part and the other one around my wrist.

I slapped his cheek a little to wake him up. "Wake up." I yelled in his ear. Not very nicely but he deserved it for pointing a gun in my face before. He woke up, then I read him his rights. I forced him to get up so i didn't have to pull him along with me. I picked my gun up and tucking it in the back of my pants and now was looking for his gun. I found it near a trash can. I walked him to my car and sat him in it.


I arrived at the office at 3:23p.m. Went to the front desk - so the person who had the shift for staying at the front desk today - could book him in. An half an hour later went to the interrogation room after they put him in there. I threw a folder with a lot of papers on the table and sat down across from him.

"Cris Elision," I said as I opened the folder to look through stuff about him. "Wow you have a lot of stuff here I can charge you with. Lets see, first one. Breaking and entering, second one. Oh here's a good one that could give you around twenty years. You rape sixteen, and fifteen year old girls. The attempt of shooting a police officer. You could go to prison for years for doing all of these things. But if you cooperate I can cut you a deal. So what is it Cris, do you want the deal or around thirty years in prison. It's really your choice, but choose very wisely. I heard if people in prison hear about what you did to girls. I'd give you about let's say three to two years in prison." I gave him two choices.

He grinned after he leaned in and said. "I never did any of that shit. And you have no hard evidence to glue me to those charges. So in twenty-four hours I can leave." Then leaned back with a huge grin pasted on his lips.

"Do you know Markus Powers?" I asked ignoring what he just said.

"What's it to you if I do or if i don't?" He asked leaning forward landing his elbows on the table.

I stood up pushing my chair away with the back of my legs. My finger tips still touching the table and leaned in closer to him. Narrowing my eyes getting ready to yell at him. "We can put you back on the streets. Get the word out that you told the cops everything, just so that you didn't go to jail. And Markus wouldn't believe you if you said it wasn't true because he knows that you would say anything just so he wouldn't kill you. Trust me after that, you would be a lot safer in jail then out there. So I'll ask this one more time, do you or do you not know Markus Powers?"

"Yes." He yelled back standing up as well. Then the guards came in getting him to sit back down.

"Officers I can handle him, you can leave now." I slowly sat back down. Then waited for them to leave the room so we could continue talking. "Good, now they searched your house and found drugs. Did you get them from Markus? Yes or no." I asked still a little mad.

He sighed heavily before saying. "Yes."

"Are you close enough to him to get drugs whenever you want?" I asked.

He murmured a. "Yes." Then looked down on the table to his hands.

"How close? Do you know when the next shipment is coming in?" I asked again.

"Very close, I've known him for years. And no, no I do not know when the next shipment is coming in." He said raising his voice a little more sounding annoyed by my questions.

"I know that it's hard to sell him out especially if your close to the person." I apologetically told him.

"But, I do know what time he's at where. But if I tell you this you have to swear to me that you won't tell a soul that I told you this. Deal?" He asked trying to negotiate.

"Deal. Shake on it?" I asked holding out my hand to shake his.

"Yes." He meat my hand shaking it. "So he is at a bar on the corner of east wood road somewhere in a little town away from here at 8pm to midnight every Friday and Saturday"

"And where else." I asked as I was still writing where he was from 8pm to midnight.

"That's all I know." He said innocently.

"Aright then thank you for that and officer Brice will bring you to your holding ceil. And if you want a lawyer she will get you one if you don't already have one." I said as I was gathering my papers together and left the room.

Oh and your probably wondering how I look and what my name is. So my name is Scarlett Johnson, I'm 20 years old, I'm one of the best FBI agents in the unit. I know I'm really young to already be a FBI agent but I deserved it I had two years of collage and all I did was ask for more and more work I had to have done. I have brown blonde but mostly brown very layered shoulder length hair. Brown eyes, I'm pretty skinny because I never really eat. I'm always on the job running around and I always workout to keep fit for the job. I have no blood related family, my biological parents died in a car crash when I was 9. And I was an only child so I got adopted at ten to a caring family. I live in an apartment in the middle of New York City. I have money, my biological parents owned a company and now it's mine. But I didn't have the time to control it all so I hired someone to keep it alive.


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