Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

After interrogating Cris yesterday I told my team about what he told me. And today we are going to make the whole plan about how we are going to arrest Markus this Friday.

It was 6:13a.m. So I was already late for work. I decided to take a little longer and say it was the traffic. I do live in the busiest city after all. I was in a white tank top with white panties. I sat down a the table after I put toast in the toaster. With my right foot on the chair and my thigh pressed against my chest. After my toast were done I put some butter on them, made a coffee, got dressed in a black strapless bra, dark blue panties, gray tank top, black skinny jeans, put my gun in the back of my pants and some bullets in my back pocket and left. I shut my apartment door and locked it.

"Hey Scarlett." I heard Kent happily say behind me in his British accent. He's lived in this building two years and when I moved in a year ago he helped me with everything. Helped me move in, helped me fit in around here, gave me info about who to hate and who to like. We've gotten to know each other really well and he's the only friend I have here.

"Hey Kent, how've you been?" I asked as i was turning around to look at him.

"I've been greet, and you." He asked approaching me in the hallways.

"I've also been greet, what have you been up to?" I asked him when we reached the elevator. I pushed the button with a G on it for ground.

"Actually I, I have a girlfriend now. We've been going out for two weeks and we're going on another date tonight. How bout yourself?" He said shyly, probably because he's never really had a girlfriend.

"Well you know that guy I was telling you about a few weeks ago that we just couldn't catch?" I asked and he nodded. "We might be able to catch him for good this Friday or Saturday. But other then that nothing new."

"Great, well I have to get going to work see ya." He said walking to his car after we got off the elevator.

"Bye." I yelled.

I arrived at the office an half hour late. The traffic was actually bad.

"Johnson, where you been?" Agent Williams said - aka our teams boss - with his eyebrows forced down, he seemed mad for some unknown reason.

"I slept in and the traffic was bad. Did I miss something important?" I asked thinking back if I did something I shouldn't have done yesterday... nope, nothing.

"Yes, you missed the whole team agreeing that you go undercover in Markus Powers's life. Are you ok with that? Ok good, now go shopping for something nice to wear in a club tomorrow." He said, asked, and demanded without me even agreeing to it.

"Um you and the team decided that? But why should I go undercover if we have evidence that could get him to go to jail for years?" I asked sounding shocked and mad.

"Because that evidence is useless. We are going to need something stronger then that. Your supposed to be here tomorrow at 4:30pm sharp so we can go over everything with you. Now go and find something to wear for tomorrow night and make sure you have your dress with you when you come." He demanded again sounding annoyed.

"Yes sir." I said as I walked out of the office.


After agent Williams ordered me to get something to wear for tomorrow. I went home and slept till 2:00pm if I don't have to work I'll sleep really long. And now I was driving to a little dress shop in the middle of town. I parked, climbed out, and walked in the store.

I looked around for about 20 mins looking for a slutty but not to slutty, sexy, little black dress. Then my eyes caught eye on a little white and black dress. It was strapless, had a heart shaped neckline, it was a white dress and just underneath the breast part black lace started going down till mid-thigh. Now that I had a dress. I needed high heals so I walked in the high heals area. I agreed on furry black, six inch heals.


After buying the dress and heals I went back home to sleep some more.


I arrived at the office the next day in a pair of torn up blue skinny jeans and a black tank top. Ready to hear what I'm supposed to do today, to get into Markus's life.

"Johnson." I heard agent Williams's ruff low voice yell. I turned around to see him showing me to come in the room that he was in. I was walking to the room when 'bam' I bumped into Jason and i felt a hot drink spill on me.

"Ho-h-hot." I slightly screamed while I was pulling my shirt off my skin. Jason is the kind of guy that works at the front desk and always does the sweetest things just so you'll go on a date with him. But I don't like to mix my personal love life with my work life, so I always tell him I can't or I'm busy.

"I'am so sorry Scar. I was on the way to my desk and I-I- am so sorry. I'll pay for the dry cleaning bill." He apologized and I could see he really was sorry by the small bit of pain on his face.

"It's ok, it's ok. It's just a shirt I'll pay the bill, I wasn't watching where I was going anyway so I'm sorry but you can bill me for your new coffee." I said trying to comfort him but it just made thing worse.

"What? No, no, it was all me and don't worry about the coffee bill I don't need anoth-" he got cut of by agent Williams.

"Johnson, get in here now." He said sounding really mad and annoyed.

I started walking to the room again and said. "I'm sorry I really have to go. But I'll pay for my shirt you pay for your coffee, deal?" I asked turning my upper body to look at him then gave him a thumbs up and entered the room. Noticing it wasn't just him in here, it was my team to. I took a seat beside Emily one of the most prettiest girls I had ever seen. She had black hair brown eyes and was wearing a gray pants suit and was my main partner on duty we were like best friends.

"Ok, Johnson and Ferrell - meaning Emily - all you have to do is get him to ask for your number. Whoever he chooses the other is the other's best friend. Got that?" He asked. And for once he let us answer.

"Yes." Me and Emily both said at the same time.

For the next one and a half hour we were all talking about where that agent would be or where that agent would be at that and that time.

"Ok, now get dressed, get ready in and hour. Oh and one more time I don't care how you give him your number. If you have to sleep with him do it, anything." Agent Williams said.

With that me and Emily both got up and headed to our vehicles to get our dresses and shoes. And went in different bathrooms to get ready.


One hour later

We walked in the club together. She was wearing her hair open with curves in them and a long sleeve black dress with a special design collar and about four inches above the knee length. If you seen it you'd say it's really pretty. I had my hair open as well just way more curls and was wearing the dress I told you about before.


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