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Death sat on the plushy dark blue couch in the dungeon of a basement of his old friend Kael the Demon. The surroundings where nice, with a dresser behind the couch and a matching dark wood brown computer desk, it was set up in the far corner.

A silver laptop sat screen open showing the ribbons screen saver. Allowing his dark black eyes to roam freely they came to rest on the flat screen TV before him.

The upstairs level was lavished just as heavily but in lighter friendly tones. He even had flowers on the round kitchen table that was set before the large bay window that looked out over a mint condition green lawn.

Kael had done well for himself as far as Death could see. Of course he had accomplished it all honestly in a demons eyes, he wasn’t bartering souls or making obscene deals to kill.

He was a hired killer taking out humans that would die by another’s hand. And now here sat the king of Death waiting for a killer to show up. Death ran his hands over his loosely tied back white hair letting out a soft sigh.

Kael was sure taking his sweet ass time getting home from the gym. The front door slammed shut signaling Kaels return; Death listened to a heavy gym bag hit the front hallway floor. He had noticed the entity hiding in his basement. Maybe Kael wasn’t growing soft in his late days.

“What the hell are you doing here?” the warm sharp voice snapped at Death.

“Kael, nice to see you to” Death gave a heavy winded sigh brushing dust from his shoulders.

The air rang with the seeping power of Kael; Death could feel his old friend was not pleased by the sudden intrusion.

“Orion, what are you doing here?” this time his voice was much more calm and showed less of the monster they both knew Kael was.

Death rose to his feet tapping his cane off the carpeted floor it made no noise but a physical silence griped the room. Kael stiffened his black eyes receding to show light storm grey blue eyes. His lightly tanned skin was flawless except for a tattoo on his left shoulder of some human dribble.

It was a mark of a mortal. It was enough to make Death grimace. That aside he examined his old friend, Kael held his wide muscled shoulders back with a soldier’s pride. His dark brown hair was cut much shorter than it had centuries ago back in the First World War.

Now the sides had been shaved close to his head and the top was gruffly styled showing a lax demeanor.  Instead of being primly dressed the demon sported a baggy blue and white striped tank top and beige cargo pants finished off with fat tongued skater shoes.

“I've come to redeem a favor” Death finally spoke.

“That would be?” Kael asked shifting his weight to his right leg as he crossed his toned scarred arms over his chest.

“Become a retainer under my lead” Death watch as fear ran through Kaels stormy eyes.

“What did you see Orion?” worry made his voice thick; it was enough to make Death smile.

“Nothing Kael, I haven’t seen fucking-all. And that’s why I'm here. Our only chance to keep the future is to resort to the New-Blood prophecy.” Death struggled to keep calm as he watched his old friend process how defeated Death had become.

Deaths abilities stretched much farther than just the collection of souls, ordering around reapers, and the Apocalypse. He was also the balancer of the world, he could look into the future and make sure the path did not break or bend. It had to stay at a perfect level in order for everything to work out.

And the future Death had seen the night before had been darkness, there was nothing there. Which was impossible, the future could not be so empty. There was never… nothing. It had sparked fear in the King of Death. Fear for his brothers lives, fear for the souls that had yet to be born and the souls that would be wiped out.

Kael nodded his head slowly, “Which is why you need retainers” Kael sighed.

“Yes, and you are the only one I trust with my heir. I want to entrust the future with you" it was an odd tone coming from Death

It was the brink of pleading Kael to take the offer, and the Demon knew that this deal was generous all things considered. But the King of Death coming to him to be a protector Kael did not protect, he killed. Then again he would be looking after the man that would one day replace Orion. Kael’s shoulders sagged and he dropped his head back muttering absently to himself.

“But why Orion? I’m not exactly the poster boy for Guards-R-Us? More than likely I’ll get him killed” He mumbled crossing his arms over his chest tilting his head to the side.

Death smiled, his pale lips curling up. “Because I saw you, this new future will not come to fruition unless you are there”

“Alright, so what stops me now from skipping out and ruining your little plan? I am a Demon after all, Death, sin, and chaos” Kael gave a devilish smirk mischief sparking in his eyes now.

Death gave a very uninterested and uncaring flat line look to Kael, He may be a friend but he was still a boy at heart. He gave a harsh sigh shaking his head, the floor boards above their heads creaked and dust fell down from between the cracks.

The smile came back to Deaths face; slowly he raised his black bottomless eyes to stare at Kael who was back into his attack position. The stance made Death crack into laughter that shook the floor. Kael was no match for his Heir.

“Who the fuck is that” Kael snapped his eyes narrowing.

Death nodded to the stairs behind Kael, “Why not go and find out”

“This better no be some sick fucking Joke Death. You know I don’t like your damn jokes.” Kael snarled at Death his eyes flashing rebelliously black before going back to the light misted grey.

Death smirked at the Demons tenacious behavior; He was in for one hell of a surprise when he went upstairs that much Death knew. This intruder had proven to be a fighter and had gained the respect of Death himself and Atropos the eldest of the fates on earth.

Death followed like a silent shadow behind Kael as they moved silently back up the stairs. Death paused on the last step and listened carefully, minutes passed and no sound of Kaels defeat.

“Who… Is… She?” Kael hissed turning to look back at Death.

A smile tugged at the corners of Death’s mouth winning over and finally showing his enjoyment. Lying on Kaels couch was a picturesque girl; her hair was a dark auburn nearly black with shimmers of red.

She was dressed in a black dress with white polka dots; the dress had ridden up on her legs to show a lacey red garter belt holding up tan colored panty-hose. Overall the girl looked to be no older than seventeen, apart from her bust.

“This is my replacement Kael” Death spoke softly.

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