Chapter 1:i can't take it anymore

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SHUT UP HARLEY! I GAVE YOU ONE JOB AND YOU FAILED! GET OUT YOU DUMB BLONDE! I heard playing repeatingly in my morning came I felt a cold body breathing heavily hovering over mine and a freezing hand slapping me across my face "well Harley GET UP and make my breakfast!"a freakish clown spoke in his usual shouty voice. I got scared and ran to the kitchen as quick as possible and stared frying some pancakes.i used a year old flour some rotten eggs that smelt like dog poop.the cringey pancakes were made as I say at the table with a starving monster.WOW THEY TASTED BADDDD!

"HARLEY WERE MOViNG HIDEOUTS!" Puddin' said..I packed my bags but I couldn't take him abusing me anymore so I wasn't moving hide outs I was moving OUT!

The depressed life of Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now