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When you think you are cancer free, when you think you can be happy again, there is one thing that will never change, heartbroken, people can heal it but you can always see that it was broken, he put knifes again and again in my heart, he doesn't know about to stop, about to stop stabbing me in the back, saying he loves me, when he doesn't, all what happened is his fault, wanna see the real me? This is me, the heartbroken girl, that wants to be happy, but she can't be happy because there are things that will break her again, she wants to give up, but she promised she wouldn't give up, she think she is done, then one person will stop her, will talk it out of her head, hours later, her boyfriend threw photos of them at the wall, she forgives him for ruining it, hours later, she finds something out, that will change everything


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