2. oh no !

5 0 0

I am nervous, really nervous ! Standing at the airport and waiting in the line, I am about to check in.My luggage, 2 big and on little one, and my backpack is enough to put my life in and somehow it makes me sad but I know that my life would be better on the island. 

I'm next ,Yeah!

" Hello Miss, may have your passport and ticket" the nice counter lady said without looking at me.

I give her both.

"Oh I see you already booked your seat?"

"Yes." I said a bit nervous.

"Unfortunately, we have to give you a new one because we had an error occurred on that day and some booked places got mixed up."

"But can I get a seat next to a window? I feel a bit anxious when I have to sit at the gangway ."I try to explain to her and hope that she has some heart.

"Let me see" while tipping on the keyboards and 3min laters she had fabulous news for me. "I can offer you a seat in the business class, are you interested,Miss?"

I just nod and give her my biggest smile.

Yeah Finally ,Karma is beside me and I look for the business lounge cause you never knew when you get that chance again and I know that mine will never come. Some minutes later, I stand before the entrance and take a deep breath and step in.

'WOW! 'I am officially amazed by this interior. Everything is in a soft beige colour and the furniture are definitely not cheap.The room smells good. Bit like fresh orange juice and cinnamon. 

Ok that sounds weird but I feel chilled and less nervous. 

A young lady in a uniform come to me and I take out my ticket and show it to her, she smiles and says:

"This way please Miss. Do you need anything? A drink or a little snack?" She shows me an empty seat and gives me a menu card. I smile at her while sitting down and start to check it.

Unbelievable but everything is for free and I can order whatever I want! I feel like in heaven.

Maybe you just found out that this flight is actually my first one ever. When I was younger my family used wether the car or the train. I've been in a lot of places cause we always had a summer vacation and for my winter ones we drove down close to Austria's border to the "alpen". 

We had fun in our way. We visited a museum or did some sport like skiing. I was quit a good one if I can say. My father taught me that brain and muscle must work together to achieve success and so I did some gymnastic and ballet during my childhood for mum. Cause she wanted a girlish child and with my dad I learnt Judo. I stopped everything when I reached 7th class. At this time I mastered 1st Kyu in Judo and did some shows as a ballerina. 

At that age I wanted only be a good pupil and learnt and did research work with and for my dad. I needed a change and so I changed my whole life and at this point the relationship between my mum and me became complicated. 

The young lady came back and handed me a glass of water and I just said:"A french toast,please." She nodded and went to the counter to make a call. 

I was defiantly amazed by this lounge and took a picture of my place with my smartphone. I was kind a proud on being able to sit here and I wanted a memory about it.

When I just packed my phone in my handbag a man in a chef uniform came to me from a side door and put a place with a heavenly looking french toast it.

"Thanks a lot ." I smiled to hime widely and he went away.  I took out my phone and made some photos from it to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. I never imagined how a simply dish like this can look like that. I had three slices with some cherries and syrup,maybe maple, butter, green basil and some beacon slices beside it.

I was about to take a slice with my hand when I noticed a fork and knife in a folded napkin, which the man probably laid down there. I blushed a bit even when I was alone in this area but I felt so bad-mannered.  

So I slowly took the fork in my right and the knife in the left hand and started to cut the toast in three in pieces and the bacon in smaller slices.

With the first taste I almost let out a little moan. I tasted like how it looks!

Being The Kings' Friend (Coming Soon )Where stories live. Discover now