Twilight joke
(Uses some quotes)Creds to @Divergentwizards_
Bella: i know what you are
Edward: say it. Say it out loud.
Bella: your thin. Your white. You suck up blood. You hurt me occasionally. Some girls love you, and some hate you. You're ... A TAMPON.Omg lolololol I saw this on her story you know your a potterhead when. I almost died laughing. There is another part that's kinda dirty and I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable reading it so left it off. But if you'd read it I'll post it. Love you boos.

Fanfic Jokes
RandomThese are not meant to be offensive. I'm A fan of most of these. I'm not making fun of them. It's just to make you laugh. I like to see other people happy. To see other people smile. Read to smile. Read to laugh. Also cover dedicated to @beatifulch...