Chapter 5

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Estelle was alone in the darkness. A candle flickered before her. ‘What next?’ she wondered. Would a zombie appear and eat her brains? Surely such oddness would not seem unfitting considering her predicament. With the winged man’s disappearance escaped her fears. A new concern weighed heavily at mind- was this all but a dream or had she truly lost her sanity.

She hadn’t time to worry long over such concerns as the candle approached slowly. A small hand was illuminated in the dull light. It appeared to be that of a child- so small and so delicate. Not to mention the fact that it was suspended only a matter of feet from the ground.

Pulling her knees to her chest, Estelle freed herself from the constraints of the sheets and lowered herself to the ground. Her knees bowed inwards, shaking unsteadily as she stood upright.

Her arms flailed about wildly as she attempted to grab something for support, but found no aid. Her injured ankle gave out beneath her as she tumbled to the ground.

“Boo,” a young voice cried with delight. Estelle scampered back in shock. She knew that voice. She also knew that she had officially lost her mind.

And even still she grabbed the candle from the child’s hand. “Don’t hold that,” Estelle exclaimed with concern. “You might burn yourself.” Estelle knew her words were ironic. After all, how could the dead be hurt? Even still, Estelle felt a glimmer of hope.

Estelle leaned closer, allowing the candlelight to illuminate the young girl before her. To her amazement, she appeared very much like her sister.  She could not help but wonder if it was a cruel trick. Yet, the resemblance was uncanny.

Sure there were perceptible differences but the girl appeared a paler version of her sister. The girl’s skin was porcelain and no warmth filled her cheeks. Her curls were a shade lighter than before, not the illustrious gold they once were, but rather subdued. Her girl’s face lit up with delight to reveal a very familiar toothy grin and glistening eyes. In that instance, Estelle knew without a doubt, this was her sister before her.

“E…” she began to say before the girl pressed her hand firmly against Estelle’s mouth. Estelle could feel no warmth from the girl’s hand but was satisfied to feel something. Surely, she must not be a ghost then.

‘Shhhh,’ the girl mouthed raising a single finger to her own mouth.

“Don’t you remember me, Emilie,” she said loudly, as if not only for Estelle to hear. “It’s me Estelle.”

Estelle’s mouth gaped like a fish as confusion settled. Why had her sister called her Emilie, and why did it sound like she was insisting on being called Estelle.

The young girl gave her a look, warning her not to speak in protest. Estelle trusted the girl. Surely, her sister knew something she did not. But even still that left a million unanswered questions.

Why on earth would Emilie insist on them trading names? How was Emilie alive? Were they both dead?

Estelle’s thoughts were stopped as Emilie hastily whispered,” Okie listen. You can’t tell him or anyone your name.”

“But why?” Estelle protested.

“I can’t,” she simply replied as a helpless expression settled across her face. There was something deep within her eyes though, something she was trying to convey. Estelle knew her sister better than anyone else but for the first time every, she was left speechless and ignorant.

“But, be careful,” she warned. “This is a world of magic. Dark, scary magic.” Her curls bounced as she nodded her head for effect. But, no smile graced her sister lips. For the first time ever, the child was dead serious.

“Don’t believe what you see. It’s a world of ill…illu…illusion,” she explained, searching for the word in her limited vocabulary.

Estelle felt her blood run cold as Emilie spoke.

“He’s back.”

Author's Note: So whatcha think?  Is Emilie really alive? Any guesses as to what is going to happen? I would really love to hear your guesses because this story is still being worked out so maybe just maybe you can help shape the direction it goes:D Woot woot! Oh and just want to make sure you all noticed (so you don't get confused later) Estelle and Emilie have now switched names for dialogue? Any guesses as to why? Hint: think about your fairy myths:P 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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