Pewdiepie in Slender (Helpful! Reader)

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A soft groan echoed through the empty air, a sharp gasp following shortly after when a crisp leaf hit the side of the blonde male's face. He was lying on the ground beside an old Jeep, which was crashed into a large rock- his baby blue eyes slowly peeking open as the male felt the soft impact. He sat up and rubbed his head, the leaf flying off his pale skin as he did so. "Where the fuck am I?..." He mumbled as he ran a hand through his blonde hair, glancing to each side to see red and orange leaves falling gracefully from the wilting trees. Gently, the male pushed himself to his feet looking around and finding he had a dull throb pulsing in the back of his head. "Marzia? Sean? Anyone?" His voice cracked slightly as he called out for someone to help him.

He would never admit it, but he was terrified right now- the silence creeping into his mind and making him tremble slightly from the same wind that made the trees shake. He crossed his arms in an attempt to shield himself from the breeze, a few strands of hair falling into his face as he slowly walked down the gravel path in an attempt to locate someone. The closest building he saw was large, the brick wall bordering it was decayed and blocking off a child's playground set and a few other strewn about playtoys. His heart instantly stopped and he took a deep breath in as he recognized the scenery, but there was no way that this was Slender. It had to be a joke, a cruel, stupid, really well set up joke. What did he remember? He was standing in his living room testing a new virtual reality simulation that he got the beta release of, and when he turned on the game- a shock surged through his head and made him pass out. He remembered the vague sound of Marzia's angelic voice calling out his name.

Damn it, now shining Pearl shaped tears were spilling from his eyes as he paused by the gate. He pressed his gleaming blue orbs shut softly sobbing before slamming his fist against the chipped brick wall beside the metal gate. This was a bad dream, there was no way he had lost everything he cared for in the span of two minutes, he refused to believe it. The male wiped his eyes calming his cries slowly as he tried the gate; seeing that it was locked the name jumped over the short red brick border, stalking towards the house as it began to get even darker. The house was just as he remembered it, and as he turned the handle the door slowly creaked open to reveal a staircase and a wall filled with eerie drawings. One thing he didn't remember was the crash that echoed from the kitchen making his jump and press himself against the wall. Silently, he made his way to the opposing rooms and peeked in to see no one- only to feel a hand grab his waist from behind, the other one covering his mouth when he screamed. "Please, be silent." He breathed harshly against the hand, which he could feel was petite and thin. The hand around his waist overpowering him somehow as a smooth feminine voice hit his ear. A second later the hands were gone and the male spun around as he took multiple steps back, "I apologize for startling you. I did not want your scream to attract the monster." She went back to searching through drawers in an attempt to search for anything that may prove useful.

To her dismay she found nothing and when she looked up she was greeted by Felix staring at her with a mixture of fear and surprise. "My mistake. My name is (Y/N), no need to introduce yourself I've seen your YouTube Felix." She extended her hand and watching as the Swedish male nervously lifted his arm to clasp his hand around hers and feebly shake. "Can you help me get back home to Marzia then?" His voice showed obvious doubt as she glanced back over her shoulder from where she had moved to the doorway. "Certainly. But I must warn you, you have three lives which- if you die in the game you waste a life. Three and you die in real life... I found out the hard way. Open life menu." The last part of her statement was firm and a holographic grey screen opened and revealed two hearts with one blacked out, a picture of slender slapped over it. "So... He killed you? How?" The male stepped forward and the screen disappeared instead showing a recording. The camera was dropped on a rock, shattering slightly but still pointing up, showing Slender man's weird tentacles wrapping around the female's neck and squeezing. She clawed at it hopelessly before finally going limp, her neck being crushed and her head rolling off. Pastel blue blood spilling out and puddling as her body hit the floor, the screen going black as it did so. Felix looked as if he was about to puke, even if the blood was a different color; the scene was still gorey and made him want to puke up his lunch.

"You keep the marks." She moved her hair to reveal to deep blue marks around her neck, (e/c) eyes looking away from the male as she slowly shook her head. "Did it?-" The female sent a sharp look towards Felix which caused him to press his lips shut. "Hurt? I was choked and decapitated, I felt everything!" She hissed out as she grabbed the collar of his white shirt, the white denim jacket sliding off his shoulders slightly. His baby blues wide in panic as she held his face to hers in a threatening manner. "Yes. It fucking hurt." Her voice was a low growl and she pushed him away turning on her heel and gently sauntering to the next room, as if nothing had happened to her in those span of minutes. She glanced out the window before freezing and simply staring out the window in horror, "You okay?" Felix asked quietly as he walked towards her before glancing out the window as well and seeing Slender on a far off hill. "You weren't kidding... We're gonna die here, and Marzia will be alone and my poor fans will..." He ran his hands through his hair gripping either side of his head before having his wrist seized and the female pulling him upstairs in the house and grabbing the first page from the young boy'S desk, before taking Felix downstairs. "If you show fear, you have already lost." She spoke softly and genuinely as she glanced back to him the darkness making her (e/c) eyes glow like night lights. Those eyes held immense fear, but she did a damb good job hiding it on the outside bother than that.

"You've said before that he doesn't scare you, so pretend it's just a game and beat it." She put on a confident facade as she let go of him and watched him think over her words before beginning to look. It would be better if he could commentate so instead of yelling he simply whispered to himself, and he soon found the second note only to have Slender appear. Felix didn't think he had ever ran so fast, but as the monster was about to strike with a tentacle- he closed his eyes. Feeling no impact he peeked open just one, and immediately regretted it. A female body stood in front of him, it's arms clenched in fists at its sides, feet barely touching the ground as blue liquid spilled from it's front and stained the darkened grass. "You have someone you need to get home to... That's more important then me. I have one more life, but you'll need all yours." Her voice was shaky and strained as she slightly lifted her hand in a thumbs up before the monster yanked out it's tentacle and disappeared. Leaving a frozen Felix, and the body of (Y/N) with a gaping hole in between her stomach and her chest. Pastel blue splatters staining his white shirt, she regenerated by her body and stretched out groaning lightly.

"You okay Felix?" She questioned and softly tilted her head, "No... Don't you dare do that again." The blonde engulfed her in a hug making her tense slightly. "You're more important. I don't care if I die, but I need to save someone else." He moved back and they nodded to each other before taking off in a sprint to find the last pages.

10:50 (Slender Woods.)

"There it is!" The male cried out in joy as he sprinted towards the note pinned to a wide tree, his hopes rising as he did so. Wouldn't you know it though, Slenderman wanted to claim one final kill- and he would do it right. "Felix hel-" The male didn't get a chance to look back before a crunch echoed through the air as he grabbed the note, he turned around grinning only to pale. Slender stood their with a large tentacle wrapped completely around the girl's head crushing it and making blue blood spill onto his appendage. "(Y-Y/N)?" A terrifying sharp goopy mouth spawned on Slender and it cackled in a static filled voice. "Player one has been eliminated. Player two victorious." Everything went black and another surge made the male fall back into unconsciousness and wake up in a shaking pair of arms. "Felix? Felix- oh God your okay!" She pulled off his virtual reality set and began to pepper his face with kisses. His only response was to bury his face in her shoulder and softly sob, he had lost a bro and a companion today... It hurt so bad.

Before he slept that night, he destroyed every slender game he owned- and smashed the headset.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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