Lost friends, lost family

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Harper POV
I slowly opened my eyes. I grit my teeth at the pain in my side. The burning, sharp pain. I glanced around the room, i was in a medbay. It was small, probably on a small cargo ship. What caught my eye, however, was two humans standing by the cot i was on. One of them was helping the other, a girl, with her wounds. I would have grined if not for the pain. "Ezra, that you?" i rasped. he glanced at me with a faint grin. "your up." he responded. He stepped back from the girl. "that better?" he asked. She moved her bandaged arm. "yeah, thanks. Ez." she said. "no prob, Sabi." he said grinning. They both turned to me. Ezra wore a gray jumpsuit, with mando armour from the waist down. His friend wore very colorful armour, but without the chest piece, in its place she wore a tight shirt with hand painted pheonix on the shoulders. "how are you feeling?" he asked. "well, got shot in the side. I feel great." i said sarcasticly. He rolled his eyes. "im good Ezra. Yes i do want to fight." i said. his eyes narrowed and the girl reached for her blasters. "with you. I mean." i said. Realizing my mistake. They relaxed. "alright. Welcome aboard the Ghost." he said, smiling. They both turned and walked out the door. I smilef, my old friend was alive.
Ezra POV
The door closed behind us. As i turned to walk toward the loading bay, to help with casualties, sabine stopped me. "How can you just do that?" she asked, voice slightly raised. "Sabine..." i started. "no, he has tried to kill us. Now everything is fine!? I have built up my trust for every member of this crew. I'm not ready to trust an imperial that easy! Especially an inquisitor!" She yelled. i sighed. "Sabine, he only joined to save me. You think im not angry? I was broken when i found that they had killed him." i said, voice rising too. i pulled up the sleeve of my tight jumpsuit, revealing scars. "i blamed my self! I thought that i had killed him." my eyes teared up. Sabine had shock, sadness, and fear on her face at this. along with a tear rolling doen her face. I yanked the sleeve back over my arm. My voice lowered when i next spoke. "he was a brother to me. He just proved, for seven years, that he would die to protect me." i said. She whispered. "but are you sure we can trust him?" i sighed. "Sabine, do you trust me?" i asked. She looked me in the eye. "More than any one." i nodded. I stepped forward and brushed away her tears. She looked up at me, i was only half a inch taller. Her watery eyes filled with saddness. "He deserves a seconed chance. Like what you guys gave me, what you gave me. Please." i whispered. She nodded her head and hugged me. Burying her head in my shoulder, crying ever so slightly. I held her, a few tears rolling down my scared cheeks. She sniffled. "sorry." she whispered. I smiled slightly. "just let it out." i said. i stepped back into sabines room so she wouldnt be embarresed. The door closed behind us, still holding each other. She pulled back. "Did you...... Do that to....yourself?" she asked sadly. More tears streamed down my face."Yes, i did. I had never planed on showing anyone. But i wasnt thinking." i said. She gasped as she figured it out. "you have more?" i nodded. I pulled the jumpsuit down to my waist and pulled away strips of polymer, the same color of my skin. She looked in horror at the numerous scars. I spread out my arms and turned around so she could see all of them. "Ezra.." she started. She walked around me. "please tell me you didnt do all of these." she said. I shook my head. "Not all of them. You can thank the empire for a lot of them."
Sabine POV
I circled Ezra, scars revealed. There were scars on his for arms, the ones he did. His torso was covered in scars. A jagged looking circle, a blaster wound, cuts across his stomach, probably from getting caught. One over the right side of his chest really caught my attention. It was a rough cut of a rebel pheonix. "did you do this one too?" i asked he nodded. " two years before i met you guys. Its a permanent reminder of which side im on. I was 12." he said. I stopped and lifted my shirt enough to show a similar 'reminder' just benieth my belly button and a little to the right, it was a tattoo instead of a scar. he gave a sad smile. " great minds." he said. i nodded. "lets go and help out." she said. I nodded. Reaching for the polymer strips. "no, dont cover up your past." i said. He smiled. "cant escape, have to face." he completed the ancient Mandolorian line. I smiled. "that is awesome." i said. He chuckled, putting down the strips. We both grabbed our helmets and walked out the door, armored from the waist down.
Ezra POV
"Sabine, actually. There is something else i need to do." i said. She looked at me in confusion. "My uncle." i said. She nodded. "lets go then." i smilled. "thanks, will you get a speeder?" i asked. She nodded."on it." i walked towards a crate, one of which can preserve food. Within it, my uncle Forze. I reached towards another crate with his helmet and a flag. I grabbed them both and pushed the crate out of the cargo hstch. As i pushed the crate out, i saw dozens of warriors, tending wounded and moving casualties from the battle just an hour ago. Sabine stood with a Mando speeder and helped me hook it up. I climbed on then sabine, we pulled on our helmets and slowly rode past the men working. They all stopped and turned to look at us. What really surprised me was when they began to salute. Kanan, Hera, Zeb, even chopper saluted us and my kin. as we left camp i sped up. I felt sabines arms rap around my waist and her helmeted head on my back. After the 10 minute ride, i stopped the speeder at a place that felt right. We climbed off and gathered some woodfrom a near by  log. I lay the body on top of the wood pile. Sabine handed me the banner. With a print of a mytheosoar skull. I lay it over the body. "sabine. Will you help me light it?" i asked. She nodded. We drew our sabers and held them to the wood. Which caught fire. She turned to the crate and pulled out his helmet. She stood next to me. "as tradition goes. Ezra, please kneel." i obeyed, droping to a knee. then in Mandolorian(because im to lazy to translate and write mandolorian. ) she said to me. "From one to another, a life is given for a life saved. As inheritence, the helmet of him who you were related. For life there must be death, for death there must be life. May this last memoir of your uncle remind you of your lost kin." she finished. I looked down as she lowered the helmet onto my head. I rose. In mando'a. "may you rest in peace. With the will of the force by your side." i said. Sabine looked at me. "i have a feeling that you will out live your uncles bravery." she said. I looked at her. "with you by my side. The empire may not even try to fight us." i said. She smiled. I put my arm around her waist. "but, one can only dream that the empire was smart." she laughed at this. I pulled up my wrist comm. "Spectre 1, Spectre 6. We may be out a while." i said. "Spectre 6, Spectre 1. Understood. Be safe." came the response. "Hey, its me." i said, chuckling. "thats what worries me." kanan said, jokingly. Sabine and i laughed. "Spectre 6, out." i put away the comm and removed my helmet with one hand, using the force to set it o the speeder. She leaned on my shoulder. The sun, high in the sky, cast only a slight shadow as it slowly lowered behind our backs.

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