The Crack of Dawn

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It won't be forever. You'll be in the dark for as long as it takes and then you'll come out.

- Sophie Kinsella
  [ Finding Audrey ]


I am humanity, she had written. Self-centered, stubborn, sentimental, childish, vain. I am humanity. Cynical, naïve, kind, cruel, soft as down, hard as tungsten steel.
He must get up. If he can't the light will go out. The world will be consumed by the crushing dark. But the totality of the atmosphere pushed him down and held him under, five quadrillion tons of bone-breaking force.
On his stomach. Then knees. Then hands. His elbows quivered, his wrists threatened to buckle under his own weight. Self-centered, stubborn, sentimental, childish, vain. I am humanity. Cynical, naïve, kind, cruel, soft as down, hard as tungsten steel.
I am humanity.
He crawled. 
I am humanity.
He fell.
I am humanity.
He got up.

- Rick Yancey
[ The Infinite Sea - The 5th Wave#2]


The shadow that wrestles with light.
The cold that contends with fire.
It's a war, he told me once, and we are the conquerors of the undiscovered country, an island of life centred in a boundless sea of blood.

- Rick Yancey
[ The Infinite Sea - The 5th Wave #2 ]


Tobias Eaton:

There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying down your life for something bigger than yourself or for something else. Sometimes it involves giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of something greater. But sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your teeth through pain, and the work of everyday, the slow walk toward a better life. That is the sort of bravery I must have now.

- Veronica Roth
   [ Allegiant: Divergent #3]


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