Part 1

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Hello My Readers! I am back and editing everything (well errors and such) I hope you enjoy the stuff I have added. I want to complete this book with at least 20 chapters. Stay tuned :)


Monday Morning. -Nathans POV-

As I climb the stairs onto the roof my legs are grabbed by multiple arms, pulling me backwards down the stairs, I struggle to get free from their grasp. I try hitting the arms away but with no success. I start to sweat, struggling to get away I hastily try to kick them away. They finally let go of me and I fall into a dark void like hole. 

I fall and fall..

Is this a dream..?

Where am I..?

The ground comes into view and I start to freak out..

I brace for Impact.. But it never comes..

I suddenly see a bright light, I open my eyes wider. 

"Time to wake up honey, Foods waiting down stairs" my mom tells me, opening my door, letting the hallway light seep into my room more.

"Okay mom" I say rubbing my eyes "I'll be down shortly".

"Okay" She closes my door and I hear her walk down the stairs. 

I fling my covers off of me and get out of bed. With a quick stretch I walk over to my closet and pull out my favorite black polo and slip it on. After changing into a pair of jeans. my dresser vibrates making me jump.

I walk over to my dresser, Unlock my phone, and check my notifications.

Six new messages

I check the messages and of course there from Isaac, My best friend.

*Isaac: 5:45*
Hey dude you up?

*Isaac: 6:00*

*Isaac: 6:24*
You never sleep in this long wake up!

The rest of the messages I didn't bother to read, I check the time and its 7:15. School starts at 7:45. I have to hurry so I won't be late. I step into my shoes, the left one comes on just fine but the right ones collar bends inward under my foot.

I Huff and take my shoe of and struggle for a few seconds to put it on correctly. 

Eventually when I am done fiddling with my shoes I walk into the bathroom and do my hair, put on my Old Spice Deodorant, and walk out of the bathroom to my door. 

I head down stairs to the kitchen. 

"Good Morning" I say with a yawn.

"Good Morning Sweetie, Did you sleep well" She says with a smile on her face, bringing me a plate. 

"I slept great" I say as I sit down at the table watching the white puffs of steam rise from the eggs and bacon "I had this weird dream though".

"What was the dream about?" She says looking curious.

"Well I was on a skyscraper and these weird arms grabbed my legs and pulled me into this dark void?" I tell her.

"That's strange? Oh and before I forget I won't be home until later tonight so you'll have to make your own dinner" She says popping a piece of bacon into her mouth. 

"Okay I will, I'll probably just make noodles" I chuckle, finishing my eggs. "Thanks it was delicious" I get up and make my way over to the sink and place my plate inside.

"No problem, have a good day at school" She smiles again.

I kiss her cheek and we exchange 'Good Byes' and I grab my bag and walk out the front door, down our rock path, to my Navy Blue Subaru.

I open the door and hop inside and turn on the heat. Why did it have to be so cold? I set my bag beside me in the passenger seat and close the door.

After a while my cars nice and warm, I pull out of my driveway and I drive off towards school listening to Falling In Reverse's Coming Home and Loser.

When I make it to school I see Isaac's Toyota Corolla. I pull in beside it and switch off my radio. 

I spot Isaac sitting on the stairs tapping on his phone. I grab my bag and start walking his way. 

When I get closer He puts his phone away and stands up "Hey man, you really need to stop sleeping so long" he laughs.

"Sorry Not sorry" I joke with him.

I sit on the railing of the school stairs and look at him. "How was your weekend?"

"It was good, I got to go See my dad" He says sitting beside me looking off into the distance.

"That great to hear, Is it still kinda awkward?" 

"Yeah a little, but you know he Is my dad"

"I know, I'm not dumb".

Instead of responding he pulls out his phone again and checks the time "We need to get to class, we're almost late".

"Okay, lets go" Isaac puts his phone in his pocket and we head up the stairs, into the school doors.


This is my very first book and I hope you all enjoy so far feel free to add suggestions and leave comments on what I should add and I will try to incorporate it to this story :) 

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