Chapter 4

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Sunako came back home at three o'clock in the afternoon, tired and angry.

What a bad joke! She had spent the rest of the day looking for Takeshi-kun, unsuccessfully. It was all because of this moron. What if she was rejected? What did it change for him? It's not like a bright creature like him would be concerned with her. And even if he was, she couldn't care less. Bright creatures belonged to the bright world; it was in the order of things. It didn't concern her. Even so, she had summoned a lot of courage to confess, and he had spoiled everything.

She barely greeted her mother, and ran to her room, unaware of anything around her. She didn't even hear her mother talk to her. If she had, she would not have been so surprised a few minutes later.

Ah, lovely darkness! She loved her room, it suited her so well! It had started with a few things, a horror movie here, a skull there. Her mother had thought she had just had a gothic phase quite early - it had started when she was six years old - but it really became a real passion for her. She couldn't explain why because, even though her mother loved wild animals and sometimes enjoyed a horror movie with her, her father was afraid of scary things. So she had promised her mother she would never show her room to her father. Her mother had never tried to change her room, and influence her to the bright world, as Sunako herself called a world full of bright things. No, she had accepted her and her weird habits without any condition. Nevertheless, Sunako couldn't ignore the criticisms her mother had to suffer, even though she told her it was okay. She had promised herself she would make some efforts to hide it, but she enjoyed being at home, because she could be herself.

Sunako was about to pick a horror movie when something caught her eye. What was this anatomical figure? He was so... great! She had always dreamed of having one, but she couldn't just enter a store and ask for one. Strangely, this creature seemed to understand her plea and her annoyance, even though it didn't speak.

'Here is Hiroshi-kun, I hope you'll get along.'

Sunako jumped violently and turned swiftly. She thought she recognized the voice...

She screamed when she saw the bright creature. Was it a nightmare? And he was in her room! And bare-chested!

She pushed him violently out of her bedroom and slammed the door. She heard him yell something but didn't listen. What was happening here? She put her hand on her nose. Blood... How would she survive if even her sanctuary was invaded? She looked at the anatomical figure.

'Hiroshi-kun huh? It suits you well...'

A few hours ago

Kyouhei ran to the school and was there in less than 30 minutes. She had said the backyard, with the trash right? So why was there nothing? He asked the gardener who was working five feet from him.

'Oh, what a handsome man! The trash? Why do you want to know, they have been picked up five minutes ago!'

'Are you kidding me? Where did they go?'

The gardener indicated the place where the waste collection centre was. Kyouhei barely thanked the man and immediately looked for the place. He didn't know the town, and lost his way several times, but eventually, after an hour frantically looking everywhere, he found the site. Fortunately, the town wasn't so big. What he saw nevertheless smote him. Tons and tons of garbage, gathered in only three containers. How would he have the time to go through all of it before she came back from school? He sighed and rolled up his sleeves.

'Nakahara Sunako, you had better be grateful!' he murmured before going into the first container.

The doll must have been thrown away only a few minutes ago, how come so much garbage could have already been piled above it? He was sure Hiroshi-kun was in one of those containers, since the employee working there had told him he had missed the truck by five minutes. Various things were scattered in there, but still, no trace of the doll.

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