Part 6

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Chapter 6

Immediately, Rebecca called Shia. The two women talked as if they were old friends and Rebecca headed to Georgia over the weekend. Over the next couple of months, Shia and Rebecca became fast friends. The two women were practically inseparable.

Time seemed to fly. What started out as a simple family affair had blossomed into a huge community event.

Rebecca visited so often, that Carson grew attached to the other woman. Chris made himself scarce when Rebecca visited. The only visits he looked forward to were when John came with her.

The two men would often hide out and swapped war stories. It was during one of these visits that John learned about Tyrone. He never met the man, but based on what Chris and his friends shared, he knew he would not like the guy.

A few months before the wedding, Chris was determined to cover the cost. John offered to help, but Thomas and Brandon soon assured both men that all cost were covered. Chris really liked both young men. He was happy they flew down with their parents this weekend. Chris insisted. "As father of the bride, I'm covering the reception at least."

John agreed. He piped in. "You two can pay for your sisters' weddings."

"Chris, Dad, we are paying for everything. I'll tell you guys what. You cover drinks for the reception and we'll call it even." Thomas stated, his love for his father evident and respect for his future father-in-law growing.

John frowned, "What kind of drinks are you boys talking about. If I'm buying spirits, I'm getting stuff that'll put hair on your chest."

Brandon laughed, "OK dad, but Mom would look funny with a hairy chest, remember that."

Chris laughed. "All right young men, we will take care of the bar. You Thomas just make my little girl happy." Chris then looked at Brandon. "How are things with you and LaKita? I thought that maybe we would have more than one wedding?" He queried.

Brandon stammered a bit. "LaKita and I are good friends. I'm not pressuring her."

John frowned. This was not what he suspected the last time he saw them together. But then knowing how close the brothers were, it was not surprising that Brandon would pull away.

"Son, is everything alright?" John asked.

Thomas paused. He too noticed that Brandon was becoming more withdrawn. "Dad, everything is fine. This is a time to celebrate Thomas and LaTika. Let's get Thomas married. I'm getting tired of his love-struck, pining eyes." Brandon joked. No one believed him.

Chris waited, then he spoke. "You have to do what's right for you. There is no rush." The men then went back to talking sports. Brandon was silent once more. He'd messed up with LaKita, but he was sure he was winning her back. Chris asked him something about one of the teams and he joined in the banter.


Scheduling the wedding was not hard, and soon the happy couple had plans in place. Next they had to decide where to live as well. Three weeks left before the big day, and Thomas had one more obstacle.

"So, Tika, if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live?" Thomas whispered one night as held her close.

LaTika sighed, "Um, never thought about it. I've always lived near my family. A few years ago, I moved away from my family and I like living away, here in the city. If I picked a new place, maybe New Orleans. It's close to Georgia, but far enough away that I could still be independent."

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