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Me and the whole devil girls, except Jelena because no one supports her (Well... Raquel does, but she doesn't count she always sees the best in people. I thought with the same amount of exasperation and fondness. Even in a sneaky venomous bitch snake like Jelena), were walking through the streets of Los Angeles.

We were in one of our usual outings, laughing and joking around as we headed towards Celestial, our favorite club. But we stopped walking when we heard Kyle and Raquel scream in fear. We turned around and froze scared as hell, there were two big men that seemed to be taken from one of those Russian mafia movies and they were holding our friends very close to them.

"Hey! Get away from them!" I yelled at those beats when I noticed that their hands had slipped under the dresses of my friends.

"He he" the one at the right chuckled darkly, making a cold shiver run through my spine.

"It seems that chocolate over there wants to play" the one on the left commented amused, as if the struggling of Raquel and my yell were funny.

It made me feel so sick that I almost threw up. I just couldn't believe that there were so disgusting and sick people like them. Jelena was one thing but not even she was capable of acting or doing what this monsters were trying.

"Want to take the place of your friend, chocolate?" the left one mocked me, throwing Kyle on the floor as if she was a replaceable toy that bored him... and the worst was that I was sure that for him she was one.

"Kyle!" I shouted worriedly when I heard her yelp of anguish.

I tried to reach out for her but the one that threw her stepped in front of me and tried to grab me. I stepped back shivering in fear for what he might do to me, however I just heard a groan of pain. I opened my eyes, which I had closed afraid, and gaped at the scene that was happening front of me.

Jude Kincade had the man that was about to assault me facing the floor, a hand gripping the bastard's hair as he pushed his face into the floor and the other one locking his arms behind his back in a tight hold. It looked like one of those cop t.v shows, when the bad guy was caught by the police.

However, this was real life and I had just been saved by the stepson of my mother's rival.

My life is really sucked up, I commented resigned in my head.

I watched in shock, with the rest of the girls, how Jude beat the crap out of those two animals, throwing them around as if they were as light as a feather and not two feet built men that surely weighted a ton each. I heard one of the girls, I think Rosa, call the police but my whole concentration was on Jude and making sure that my friends got out of that fight unharmed.

As if it was timed when Jude gave the final punch, knocking the guy who had been holding Raquel, the sirens of the police getting closer sounded. Our EVP helped Kyle up and took her face gently checking for any damage done, once he looked satisfied he switched to Raquel and searched for any wound.

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Kyle almost in tears "You are bleeding!" she ran towards Jude and opened his shirt in one movement (some place in my mind I noted that she must have really had a lot of practice to be able to do that, but I ignored my childish thought for taking care of what really mattered... my friends and savior) and put pressure on his wound, not before gasping in shock at how much blood there was.

"Police hands where we can see them!" one of the officers shouted as soon as they got there.

"If I lift my hands he'll die!" Kyle yelled at him angrily and shot him a murderous glare "Now do something useful and call an ambulance for the guy who saved our lives!".

Everyone stared at her with their jaws on the floor, shocked by her behavior. But then again she was almost raped and the man that saved her life has been stabbed. Luckily Rosa thought in advanced and had already called an ambulance. The paramedics drove him towards the nearest hospital, as soon as we gave our statements to the police we took a taxi towards that hospital to see how was Jude. Luckily we got out of there in time before the paparazzi caught us.

"We are looking for Jude Kincaid, where can we find him?" I asked the receptionist as soon as we barged into the hospital.

"Are you related to him?" she asked us, unfazed by our panic as she continued tipping on the computer not even bothering to look up at us.

Look, I am normally a good girl but right now I could not stand that kind of attitude. So I threatened her: "His father is in prison for murdering a girl and I am about to be his roommate, because some fucking bitch who could care less about other people it's making me very angry, so angry that it makes me wish I had a knife so I could stab you with it".

She blinked at me surprised and I enjoyed the way her face turned red in anger. "Look you girl..." I cut off her rant with my own.

"No, you look at me girl" I growled angrily "Two of my best friends were almost raped tonight but Jude came and heroically risked his life for them, now he is in here because he was stabbed while saving them. And you fucking bitch don't want to tell me where he is!".

I knew that I was overreacting but tonight was a roller coaster of emotions for my fragile heart. Plus lately there has been going so many things in my life that I just exploded with tonight's events.

"Wow, I had never had someone defending me with that much determination before... well, if you are not counting Zero and Lionel" a voice behind me commented with a happy voice.

It was funny how we all turned around at once and jumped on him while exclaiming in relief "Jude!".

"Ow girls, calm down. Injured man here" he complained, clearly joking but Kyle and Raquel began crying "What's wrong girls? Were you hurt at the end? I didn't notice, I'm sorry".

I could only stare at this selfless man and think: why didn't I notice him before? We would have been very good friends... well, it isn't too late. I can always try now.

"No, we are fine" assured him Raquel once she had dried her tears.

"But you got hurt because of us!" added Kyle clearly in despair because someone almost died protecting her.

"And what should I have done? Let you get raped?" he questioned them as if their behavior was silly "No, that's not happening as long as I live. We are all Devils and we are a family, we help each other".

His words made me smile nostalgically. Lately no one was acting like that, everyone only paying attention to their own egos and looking for ways to climb the ladder of fame. The Devils really needed someone like him to guide us in this time of problems. Not Lionel or Terrence and Jelena. But a kind soul as Jude.

"Come on girls, Jude needs to go home and rest" I told them with a smile and raised my hand when they started to protest "Relax girls, we are going with him to take care until he begins feeling better".

I ignored Jude's protest and dragged him outside so we could hire a taxi, the Devil Girls following me behind.

It was time for me to start my new plan!

New friends and allies part 1 [Hit The Floor] {The wake up call Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now